Same Sex Marriages
Essay by review • June 11, 2011 • Research Paper • 1,547 Words (7 Pages) • 1,024 Views
Same- Sex Marriages
Homosexual marriages are wrong because it goes against the two ends of marriage. It goes against the Catholic Churches teachings and what God has planned for marriage. It offends God and what he planned for us to get to heaven. It also cause many health problems to the two persons involved.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches "homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction towards persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that, "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarily. Under no circumstances can they be approved."
The thought of a man marrying a man would have seemed extremely ridiculous a hundred years ago but today it is a very controversial topic. Cities like San Francisco and the state of Vermont is one of the states at the center of this question on same- sex marriages. The Vermont House has passed a bill "stating that marriage is not between two men of two women." However the union between same- sex couples has the same "rights and privileges as married Vermonters." So what is the big deal with calling it a
marriage or a union between two people, is it not the same thing? There are many that say it is the same, the love between two people who want to spend the rest of their lives together. There are also those who say it is not the same because the purpose of marriage is to procreate and you cannot naturally do that in a same sex marriage. Many Christian religions believe this because it is the way God planned for it to be.
Then there is the question of kids. Marriage is a bond between two people who love each other, and about having children. Even if the couple wishes to start a family there are many ways in which it is possible for them. Just because a child may have a mom and dad of the same sex does not mean they will be raised to be an outcast, but the child has a better chance of turning that way because of sin around them. There are many who believe that if same- sex parents raise a child they too will become gay just from being around this different environment. However if this were true wouldn't it also make sense then too that if both a father and a mother raised a child they would be straight. We know this is not the case both a father and a mother, but the children raised in same-sex
families are more likely to experiment with the same-sex. According to therapist it is also easier for the children of same-sex couples to be comfortable with their parents relationship if the parents talk to them about it. They say that if the parents are more comfortable with their own sexual orientation their children will be too. Though many therapist and sociologist think that Gay marriage opens the child's mind better that factor that as a parent they are lead the child in to sin, which is a form of scandal and is not meant for a child. He or she is teaching the child that it fine to be homosexual even though it is a grave matter sin.
Marriage is traditionally a man and woman joining together to share their love with one another. Times change many traditions that where true less than a hundred years ago are no longer traditional. Just look at women's rights and slavery. You would not dream of not allowing a female to vote, or having someone of a different race do your physical work for you, and punishing them if it is not done correctly, or not finished fast enough. This has not always been the case there where times when women did not have any rights and you did have someone of a different race do you chores. Thankfully times do change and they have. Homosexual believe that because women and ethnic races have received this right that they should too. It doesn't matter if they receive the right from the government. The fact is that they will never receive it from God. It is not the United States Government that they are hurting by acting upon their homosexual acts it's the fact that it is disobeying God's law on sexuality.
Pope Benedict XVI has spoke about how these gay unions are false and how they go against God's teaching. By the infallibility the Pope has when he is speaking on faith and morals so therefore what he is saying comes strictly from God. Charles Martel said about Pope Benedicts comments ''The comments by Pope Benedict XVI on gay civil marriage... sadly reflect what many had feared would be the continued language of hatred and disrespect that has come from the Vatican for many years towards gays and lesbians." Continuous criticism on homosexuals might actually get them to realize what