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Sarah Marshall

Essay by   •  July 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  451 Words (2 Pages)  •  976 Views

Essay Preview: Sarah Marshall

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Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the latest from producer Judd Apatow. After helping create instant comedy classics like 40 Year Old Virgin and Super Bad Sarah Marshall has a lot to live up to. Fortunately Sarah Marshall is anything but Forgettable. The crux of the story is that Peter Bretter played by Jason Segel (Knocked Up) is dumped by his TV star girlfriend Sarah Marshall played by Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars). In an attempt to get his mind off losing the love of his life he takes a vacation in Hawaii. Much to his dismay he discovers Sarah is also staying at the hotel with her new rock star boy friend Aldous Snow (Russell Brand).

Segel’s likable loser Peter has his funny moments such as his puppet driven Dracula rock opera but the true high points of the movie is the supporting cast. Apatoe alum Jonah Hill’s (Superbad) pushy waiter’s interactions with Infant Sorrow lead singer Aldous Snow are hysterical. In fact any scene with Russell Brand in it is gold. The rest of the supporting cast includes Stoner surf instructor Kemo who displays the inability to remember Peter even after having in depth heart to heart conversations and Darald who is on his honeymoon and in search of the mystical clitoris. However it’s That 70’s Show’s Mila Kunis that steals the show.

Mila’s character Rachel Jansen is the receptionist for the hotel Peter stays in and the two eventually become romantically linked. But just as things begin to get serious between Peter and Rachel, Sarah and Aldous break up and Sarah decides she wants Peter back. The two almost have sex but after 45 seconds of foreplay Peter realizes he loves Rachel. However those 45 seconds is enough for Rachel to realize Peter’s not ready to be in another relationship and tells him to never speak to her again. Peter decides he can’t lose Rachel and decides he’ll do whatever it takes to win her back. After causing himself bodily harm and creating the play he’s been working on for years he is able to win Rachel back.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the perfect date movie. The raunchy comedy is perfect for guys yet it’s not as over the top as other Apatow movies that’ll turn away women. Also the 6 shots of full frontal nudity in the film of lead Jason Segel might be a treat for the girls. Or both male and female



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