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Sensual Meditation in the World Today.

Essay by   •  December 10, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,276 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,333 Views

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Happiness is our natural state

Humans were designed to be happy, creative and in harmony with the universe at all times. Just like a flower which automatically thrives and blossoms given the right conditions, so does human happiness and consciousness. If the conditions are right, everyone would be in a permanent state of natural ecstasy, living in the here-and-now.

Fear switches off higher consciousness and turns us into obedient malleable citizens

But we are not quite in such a paradise yet, unfortunately the world is only just emerging from millennia's of bigotry, state brutality, religious and paramilitary intolerance, famine, disease and pain, where our fragile existence could at any moment be destroyed by the ravages of invading hoards, or the sadistic whims of greedy landlords, ignoble dictators and corrupt governments. All this pain numbs our senses, generation after generation, and forces our mind and body to remain in a sort of biological emergency mode just for survival. In order to escape from possible danger, the brain has to mobilise all its forces to fight or flee, which for the sake of energy management, switches off the higher centers of consciousness, and leaves us in a state of anxious numbness. If the state of fear is prolonged, this turns to despair or frustration, which lead to increased aggression, be it directed towards oneself as in suicide, or towards others as in public violence. This does not justify terrorism, but it does illustrate that the solution for such desperate acts of violence is not to respond with knee-jerk declarations of war and bully people into submission through organised brutality, but rather to remove the root causes of suffering by providing love and hope.

Don't be fooled by the jingoistic calls to fight by anyone, not only because fighting is part of the problem, but also because this call to arms is always a cynical means for a corrupt authority to maintain its dominance. By carefully cultivating an atmosphere of fear, they are maintaining your brain in a constant state of mental emergency, which very conveniently switches off your higher brain centers and makes you more malleable to their suggestions. Wake up! Don't let yourself be taken in. Governments and religious institutions don't have your interest at heart, they are just fronts to make money and maintain power, the puppets of economic giants acting behind the scenes. They lie behind their smiles and benedictions before the elections but behind your back they are laughing all the way to the bank. They use the media as their obedient little liars to manipulate public opinion with their politically correct propaganda and maintain the illusion of legitimacy while deliberately cultivating an atmosphere of fear. When all our attention is taken up by this threat of danger, it leaves no chance to appreciate the pleasures in life, and no more thought energy to explore the multitude of higher states of conscious that the Elohim designed us to live in. That is why we only use a small percent of our potential. This prevents us from philosophising, loving, laughing, empathising, creating and enjoying all the subtleties of existence, but most importantly of all, this fear and discomfort anaesthetises our ability to question or see the bigger picture and turns us into blind obedient sheep, all ready to pay our taxes and fatten the wolves salivating behind their camouflage of respectability and politically correctness.

One foot still stuck in the Old World

Even in the 21st century, where famine appears almost forgotten to the developed countries, we are still forced to labor for a living, to prostitute our mind and bodies for a salary, where we relinquish freedom of choice for money, basically we are still expending all our energy for survival, where habit, repetition and monotony prevent any hint of excitement and novelty and where awareness slips elusively like sand through our fingers as we return home tired from our work and grow old and die without ever having had time to truly enjoy ourselves, discover who we are, exploit our own potential or even sniff at the possibility of heaven on earth.

One foot exploring the New World

But we can change all that. Science is the great democratic leveller, our medicine can bring equal health to all, our biotechnology can feed everyone for free and our nanotechnology can give each of us time to think, to learn and to enjoy ourselves by reducing and eventually removing the need for humans to work. Money is the gun holding our liberty hostage, but no need to work, there



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