Sept 11
Essay by review • February 3, 2011 • Research Paper • 2,429 Words (10 Pages) • 1,132 Views
What happened on September 11, 2001? Something that changed the way the world would be as we know it! That day started off as any other day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue without a cloud in the sky. That day no one knew what was going to happen. Well except 18 men from the Muslim descent. These 18 men or should I say terrorists, hijacked 4 airliners and used them as bombs to destroy our country. It was early that Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001. At around 9:00 the first plane hit the World Trade Center Tower 1. Then within minutes another jetliner had struck the second World Trade Center Tower 2.Then may about 30 to 40 minutes later another jetliner had struck the Pentagon in Washington DC. The fourth plane was going to the White House (we think) when the great acts of the passengers would not go down with out a fight. They lost their lives, but saved hundreds of people. Also saved the United States from another tragedy. The tower's was engulfed in fire. Thousands of people died in the impacted. Thousand of people watched as the Towers were burning and people all over were shocked. Over 266 people were killed on the jetliners as they crashed and burned in their fiery death. People looked helplessly as people inside the towers were begging for help. After one of the planes hit the Towers New York Firefighters and New York Police had responded. Going into the building and helping other people who were in the building, to get out of there. While inside one firefighter said "What's all that noise that's hitting the building". Then his buddies would tell him "Those are people who are jumping off the building".
Then another tragedy struts. One of the Twin Towers had just collapse. With all the New York Firefights and Police inside and also helpless people who were trying to get out. So many people outside were really in shock that one of the tallest building in New York City had just fallen like if it was nothing. Then maybe like 30 to 40 more minutes later the other Twin Tower had collapse. So now were the two building one stood they were no longer there. People were almost collapsing them selves because how could two building that were made to pretty much with stand anything just fall like that. So now a big rescue effort was on its way, some of the Firefighters and Policeman were able to get out just before the building had fallen. So now people were going to help going threw the debris to see if they could find any survivors.
There were two more planes that were somewhere else one of the Planes had hit the Pentagon. It had actually taken a pretty good chunk of the Pentagon. Firefighters and Police were there looking at it and some of the building was just burning out of control. The Firefighters were just trying to put it out with there hose. At that time people were thinking "Wow if terrorists can attack the Pentagon and the Twin Towers then they could just attack any place in the whole world". Another Plane like I had said in the first paragraph might have been going to the White House. But had crashed in Pennsylvania. Killing everyone on board.
So now that I had describe to you what had happen on September 11, now I would like to see was it hour own government fault or was it terrorist in hour own government? People might think why I ask this question. The point of this research project is to put the information that I found on September 11, and put it with very interesting evidence about what really happen. I will also include an interview that I had conducted with my friend and all the evidence that I had showed him. Also some pictures on how something else could have hit the Pentagon not a 747 Plane. It looks like very good evidence. I also found some very good information about that some of the stuff that had happen on September 11 was already planned. I really do think that the government had really planned this, because some of the stuff is true about the government.
The first discussion I'm going to do is about the whole Plane hitting the Pentagon. This is a picture on the bottom of essay and it shows how big a 747 plane can not fit
Threw such a small hole. This information that I had found about this is very convincing because that is true, how could a plane that big fit into a hole that small? So the website was asking the same question so they had looked at the evidence and it just didn't match up. They had also found a lot of debrie from the 747 plane that had hit the Pentagon. They had found out in the pictures that were taken when the fire was put out that some of the stuff that was inside the building didn't even burn and it was books, furniture, and a lot of papers. Also if a plane hits anything it would explode with all that fuel in the jet. So the heat would get up to as high as 2000 degrees. It would also burn for days or even hours so there would be no way that would happen.
In my opinion I think that something else hit it I do agree with this evidence because some of the stuff that is on here doesn't go with the incident. Also in the article its also explains that the only thing that would have probably hit it was a bunker buster missile. Now people would think how that is possible something like that could hit it. There were a lot of cameras everywhere surrounding this Pentagon so out of all the cameras none of them saw anything. There is a gas station across the street from the Pentagon. They had filmed what hit but like about five to ten minutes later the FBI had confiscated the tape and took it for evidence. This tape was never shown to the public. Why? People ask, do you think hour government will admit to attacking its own country. That what's my opinion on what happen to the Pentagon.
This next conversation is going to be about the Twin Towers in New York City. The Twin Towers were the tallest building in New York. The North Tower was the first to be attacked by suppose terriost. Then maybe 10 to 15 minutes later another 747 plane had attack the South Tower. Now lets look at that, the north tower was the first to be attacked. The first attack had taken everyone by surprise so then everyone got really worried because they were like who is doing this. That first plane had hit the very top part of the Tower. Then it had just blown up inside so now people were really worried. Now the website and movie that I had saw, which the movie that I saw was called "In Plane Site". If you watch the movie the plane has like a little flash just before the plane hits the tower, almost like a trigger to blow up. Then later the next plane hits. So now you got two different buildings that are on fire. People on the floor looking helps lee. There was so many different angles that people took and you could see the same flash that you see on the first plane that had hit. Then it goes into more detail to