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Should Students Be Required to Wear Uniforms to School?

Essay by   •  November 27, 2010  •  Essay  •  758 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,225 Views

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Language Arts


Promt: "should students be required to wear uniforms to school?"

Do you always ask yourself why do students wear those horrible uniforms? Well,

99% of the students do, some find that unnecessary, some find them obsolete, and others

just hate those unexciting colors. Nonetheless, they are wrong when they think that

uniforms are not necessary, since they are. Because the teachers need to see students as

equal, plus, clothes always distract other people, and as proved on a survey, 78% of the

students prefer clothes that are inappropriate for school and for some people these clothes

might be impolite.

When you meet somebody, what is the first thing that you look at? As humans, we

always take a first impression about people, and all the times criticize them depending of

the clothe that they wear, their appearance, and their manifestation in front of people, and

we do not do it because we are mean or terrible, everybody does, it is unavoidable. That is

one of the uniform's function, maintain students as equal for the teachers, and that way

evading that teachers judge them, uniforms are an obligation, it is not their choice. Teachers

need to grade students, and this way they will do it about the students' manners, not by

their clothes. And students need to have the same level and conditions on the class, because

they need to be equal to a teacher this way we can evade unfairness.

Aren't colors and nice textures wonderful? We all like colors, but they get the eye

gone astray. Humans love to criticize, it is natural, or could you say that you could not pass

hours looking and talking about someone's horrible outfit? Clothes are a distraction.

Because teachers get distracted by all the different colors, they are more than 15 students in

a class, and then they will be more than 30 colors if students use different clothes, who

could not get distracted? If teachers get distracted, then they could not teach well, but if

teachers get distracted, just imagine the students, they will start to look at his partner's

clothe and start talking about it. And the same thing will happen with the 15 or 20 more

students, they won't pay attention to class, they will talk, and if you have 3 or 4 people

talking about you and looking at you, will you pay attention? Obviously no, you will start

to fight or talk to someone and criticize others; it comes so natural, nobody likes that, so

they keep doing it, but this way inoffensively, you would not pay attention neither.

School students are young, immature, they are growing, changing, and they are not




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