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Sierra Melo Case

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Sierra Melo, Elizardo/ Bravo Company/ 2.7.13

Why did I enroll into JROTC?

Well there are four reasons as to why i enrolled into JROTC. One being that because of a bet an old friend made. Two because I wasn't happy with my physical health. Three I needed to improve on being more confident. And my fourth reason is that I wanted to gain more responsibility in everything I did.

More on the first reason as to why I joined JROTC was of a bet. Well the bet was that I wouldnt be man enough to join the program that I would just quit the first week of it. Well I didnt quit I actually got more interested in the program. Became a private, squad leader, and didnt quit all through out the year. And now everyone is impressed well I wouldnt say everyone but my parents are proud. And I was able to win a bet and still stay in the program.

Well the second reason was pretty clear to me that I needed to change my physical appearance and by that I mean my weight. Well by the near end of eight grade I wasnt satisfied with myself I had gained weight people started noticing. So I had to change for my own sake. And later after I heard of the program I also over heard about something called "PT" so I kept hearing more. And this thing would help me it was meant for physical training so I knew that would help and that I needed it really bad. So after the first time I did PT I was tired the next day and I'm like I think this is working.

Reason three I really needed to stop being shy in front of people. I actually never really had confidence until I joined JROTC and built more leadership skills through out the year. And it felt good that I really didnt have to be shy anymore infront of my classmates in all of my classes not just in JROTC. So now that my confidence level has improved I lead my squad with confidence and not with timidness.

Here is the last reason as to why I Enrolled. I needed to be more responsible in all things I did through out school and at home. As of last year I had to take care of my stuff in school because grades were dropping and things needed to change ASAP. So later when I joined the program I kept everything in order in my bookbag and grades. And the program made me go for more in grades. And also through out my house I helped in labor work that my mom wasnt able to do and occasionally my dad. But for the most part I dont let myself



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