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Slip of the Tongue in Singing English

Essay by   •  November 20, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  3,987 Words (16 Pages)  •  1,284 Views

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Since slip of the tongue is the naturals condition that everyone find during his communication experience, people finally give many definition toward this phenomenon. In Cambridge Advaced Learner's Dictionary slip of the tongue define as a condition when someone says something that they did not intend to say which is means the slip of the tongue is not intentional and it can not represent the true feelings of a person. On the other hand the opposite definition coming out from Sigmund Freud which is explain slip of the tongue as a meaningful and interpreted utterances. The utterances coming out as the representation of the restrained or repressed intention of the speaker. Both definitions have their own strength and approval but here, the concern of the research just limited on the reason or factors that cause slip of the tongue and the relation between rhythm/music genre to human ability in producing words under psycholinguistics analysis perspective.

One condition that everybody have to understand is the research take a special condition. If slip of the tongue usually happen in normal conversation in this case slip of the tongue will observed in the sing activities. The reason for this condition is related to the concern of the research which will find the relation between rhythm/ musik genre to human ability in producing words. So, the researcher find five different songs in different genre to be analyzed and in collecting data, observational method and recorcing technique used while in analyzing the data researcher used articulatory identity method and presenting the result using informal and formal method.


The data taken from five english songs which is sing by adult and the object that researcher need to find is the slips of the tongue by adult in singing those songs. In order to find the object of the research firstly the researcher have to find the songs that included into the criteria that explained in the background of the research. In this case, the researcher have to make a questionnaire to collect some information about the genre and the popular singer and songs that known by the participant. Then after collecting those information the researcher have to decide five songs that included into the chategories by collecting the most similar answer by the participants.

After collecting five songs as the tools of the observation,the researcher need to record the songs that is sing by the participants so, if we relate it to Sudaryanto's book (1988) the method used by researcher in collecting the data is observation and the technique used is recording. Nevertheless in devining the tools of the data researcher need to use questionnaire as the technique.

This research included into descriptive qualitative research because the data were collected in the form of utterances that produce by the second singer (adult) and the representation of the research is in the form of words. Due to this research purpose are to find the kinds and factors of slip of the tongue that cause slip of the tongue by adult as the second singer while singing a song so, the reseacher will use descriptive research because it designed to obtained information concerning the current status of the phenomenon and directed toward determind the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the research in the label of qualitative methode (Ary 1972:259)

Differ from quantitative research, this research will concern on the complex and larger concentration. The researcher of qualitative research have to give a meaning for the phenomenon holisticaly and need to play arole in the whole process (Sudarwan, 2002). The research it self will approve the phenomenon with the perspective of the researcher so, there should be a methode used to analyze the data taken.

Lately many expert use triangulation method to analyze the data. This methode is a study aplication that used multimethodic for analyze the similar phenomenon, (Denzin,1989 in Sudarwan, 2002). According to Denzin and Kimchi there are five types of triangulation : theoretical triangulation, triangulation data, metodological triangulation,investigator triangulation and triangulation analysis (Sudarwan,2002:38). Then this research will focus only theoretical triangulation which is means that the researcher will combine some theory from the different aspects of linguistics such as psycholinguistics, phonology, morphology and syntactic perspective to analyzing the data.

After analyzing the data, researcher present the result of analysis by using the informal and formal method. Informal method is a way of presenting the findings by using a verbal statement (natural laguage) while a formal method is a way of presenting the analysis by using signs and symbols (artificial language).


In linguistics, language production is the production of spoken or written language. It describes all of the stages between a concept and translating the concept into linguistic form. (Levelt, 1989) As Fromkin and Ratner (1998) argued when we produced an utterance there is a correspondence between our thought and wishes which convey the message but when the storage space of the brain is finite we may never produce a number of the infinete sentence. From those explanation we know that we must construct sentences from smaller parts or units before we are able to say them. The main issues then concern on the processes by which units come to be selected and then combined in a particular order. (Gleason and Ratner 1998)

The production of spoken language involves three major levels of processing. The first is conceptualization. The speaker must decide the message to be conveyed. It is also called the preverbal message or the message level of representation. This stage is often represented by a thought bubble. It means that this level connects the intention to speak and the concepts to be verbally expressed. (Levelt 1989) On the other hand, Jaeger (2005:8) proposed this stage which also includes not only general and specific world knowledge but also the speakers' knowledge about the linguistics pragmatic conventions of their speech community. Therefore speakers must take account of what they called the "common ground". The common ground between two people consists of their mutual beliefs, expectations, and knowledge. If someone overhears a conversation between two friends, it can be very hard to follow, because s/he has a lack common ground.

The second level is formulation. Levelt (1989) stated that the speaker must convert their message into a linguistic form. The process of formulation is the creation of the linguistics form of the idea meant to be expressed. This process also known as the processes of



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