Essay by review • March 28, 2011 • Essay • 327 Words (2 Pages) • 947 Views
1b. August Comte- The founder of sociology who saw the field as a scientific investigation for the social world. This is also known as positivism. Comte believed that society was made up of social structures and relations that work together for the well being of society. He saw societies as "social organizations" that conformed to the laws of evolution.
Herbert Spencer- A Social Darwinist that is considered to be the second father of sociology. He believed the goal of sociology is not to reform society, but instead of describing society as a function and the people within it. Spencer thought that society evolved from lower to higher forms. Many generations go by and only the strongest prevail. Thus coining the phrase "survival of the fittest."
Karl Marx- Believed the elite or bourgeoisie generated more wealth with the rise of industrial capitalism were in conflict with the working class or proletariat. Thus creating a class conflict within society. The working class only means of prevailing was to unite in revolution. Thought that economics was the cause of social change.
Emile Durkheim- Believed that the field of sociology was to be thought as a separate academic subject. Durkheim thought that societies achievement was to social integrate by way of normative consensus, when people share values for what is considered appropriate behavior. Did an extensive research on the suicidal rates of European nations.
Max Weber- Believed religion was the main drive behind social change. As societies moved away form traditional to modernization, they go through rationalization, to stress capability over tradition.Compared the capital of Roman Catholic countries to Protestant and found that capitalism was greater in Protestant countries as oppose to Roman Catholic countries.
2. This website did nothing to further my interest or excitement on sociology. The link I picked was very verbatim. I while I was reading I noticed that most of things the presented were talk about in class. They did not really spark my interest.