Song of the Hummingbird
Essay by review • February 7, 2011 • Research Paper • 2,136 Words (9 Pages) • 1,986 Views
Fountain of Life
Imagine living in a civilization that practiced human sacrifice and ritual dances, and then one day that civilization no longer exists because another culture decided to conquer them. These people are known to modern society as the Aztecs. In Graciela Limon's novel, Song of the Hummingbird, she illustrated how a culture like the Aztecs or Mexica, can quickly diminish when there are people such as the Spanish that have very limited understanding about certain subjects. Some people may say that the Aztecs were slaughtered because the Darwinian principle of natural selection even applies to mankind. This concept was perceptible when the Spaniards marched with horses, advanced technology, and armor. But through this novel, anyone can see that the Aztecs were willing to make peace with the Spaniards until they started to be aggressive against the Aztecs. Limon also portrayed that the Spaniards didn't even try to understand the Mexica culture, but they saw human sacrifice as an act that pertained to the devil. Many people can agree with Graciela Limon that people needed to treat and understand each other better, because it was clear that if people had not done so, then it created several problems between people just like the Aztecs and Spaniards.
Limon used many characters to show that no matter how difficult it was to understand each other, sometimes perception was achieved, and sometimes points of view just clashed. It was difficult for Father Benito to understand Huitzitzilin because she believed in idols, while he believed in Jesus. He tried to compare them, but that was considered a sin in Christianity. Every time Huitzitzilin tried to approach Father Benito with the discussion of her gods, Father Benito wanted an immediate change of subject. He considered ritual dances and human sacrifices as articles pertaining to Satan. It is spiritually hard for him to understand her because since she confessed to him in the confessional, and he can't seek anyone's help on how to forgive her. As the novel progresses, Father Benito forgave Huitzitzilin for her sins. And from this, Huitzitzilin contemplated that he has grown wiser because he is able to forgive her, and this is apparent when he stated, "Yes. I have forgiven you. But it is not I who should..." (204) Her sins are considered to be highly dreadful by the Spaniards, but Father Benito still found it in his heart to relieved her sins. Another character who tried his hardest to understand like Father Benito is Montezuma. Through various signs, his culture believed that the Spaniards were gods, so Montezuma decided to understand and be kind to the Spaniards as soon as Cortйs approached the gates of Tenochtitlбn. Even Huitzitzilin saw this when she stated to Father Benito, "Montezuma did everything in his power to please the white men. He housed them in his late father's palace, he continued to shower them with gifts, he visited with them, and he even appeared to like Captain Cortйs." (102) Even though he was one of the few people that tried to make an attempt to understand the other culture, there were others that just were mentally scared through all the mayhem. Paloma was one of the characters that psychologically had been affected. During the conquest, she was taken away at a young age, and she grew up to be the young woman who mocked the maimed Mexica woman. The reason for this was that she was laughed at by her own community. Since Huitzitzilin and Baltazaar Ovando had sexual intercourse, Huitzitzilin produced Paloma and Baltazaar, and their traits were different from everyone else's. Paloma had a mix of Mexica and Spanish traits, thus making her a golden blonde color versus the normal Mexica women that had black or brown hair. Also, when Huitzitzilin took her two children to go meet with Baltazaar, they were taken away, and were under the supervision of Baltazaar's wife. His wife beat both children, and those beatings had to have an effect on how Paloma grew up. Near the end of the novel, many readers can see that Paloma grew up to be the women that mocked the Mexica women. Also, Huitzitzilin stated that she saw Paloma (her daughter) years after when she went with Captain Cortйs to Spain. Huitzitzilin saw the change in her when she asserted, "When we were paraded for the benefit of those people, it was Paloma who outdid herself in mocking my deformity. By that time, I understood the language in which she spoke, and I had to bear the anguish she caused me when she ridiculed me, making the others laugh." (207) In essence, many readers can see why Paloma mocked the Mexica woman, and another reason she did this was that maybe it was one way to get back at her former community which she no longer accepted since childhood. Just like Paloma, many children have had outbursts against either their parents or community. I remember the time when I was in kindergarten, and I temporarily ran away from home. I felt that my dad had not treated me right because he slapped me for peeing in the garden. In Indian tradition, discipline had been taught by using some sort of force such as the hand, and I was too young to understand that my father was actually trying to help me. I ran away over to the next neighborhood circle, and I remained there for about a couple of hours. My dad started to scream my name, and that was when I realized that what I was doing was stupid. I returned that moment to my father, and he had apologized but stated, "Ravi, you need to learn that this is how we were taught how to do discipline our children. When I was a child, our parents had done the same because this was the one of the ways we learned to respect them and understood never to do such foolish things again." And through this, Limon's theory was correct because I learned to understand him better and treated him with more respect. The Spaniards could've handled matters differently so characters didn't have to end up like this, and they could've achieved this by doing numerous things. First of all, the Spaniards needed to learn to respect the Mexica people instead of treating them as people classified lower than them. Even though they couldn't comprehend the way of Montezuma's people, they could've just respected it and left the civilization alone. The Spaniards saw the Mexica people as Satan devotees, and from there, they decided it was their divine right to take action. But the Spaniards didn't take any time to learn the Mexica culture at all, and they didn't attempt to learn why the Aztecs had many gods for different occasions. The Spaniards should've taken a three step process to get to know the Mexica people. The first step would be to make peace with the Mexica people when they approached the gates, to at least ensure that nothing would happen to either