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Spider Man

Essay by   •  February 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,494 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,136 Views

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We all have heard of Spider Man. He was the average teenager until he was bitten by a radioactive spider. I like Spider Man but I believe there are a lot of things missing in his movies. The police and government are portrayed poorly, as to assisting Spider Man or lack there of. Spider Man goes about doing his own thing, outside of the law. He is something we can all relate to and I believe that is why a lot of people like him. Most people would say they want to be like Spider Man because of his cool super human powers. I believe it would be a lot of hard work, dedication, and a lot of responsibility. Think about this, you would have two lives to live as a completely different person. You would have to keep up good grades, make some money to live on, support your family in one life, then save people, fight crime, and kill villains in the other life. It would be way to overwhelming for me.

To fight crime, Peter needs a costume and a mask of some sort to hide his identity. He is a pretty good artist and draws his costume that he wants. Since Peter doesn't have much money, he decides to make his own costume. My question is how Peter could possibly know how to make a spandex costume to fit him perfectly, and look awesome without any flaws? Just because he has super human powers doesn't mean he can design and make a costume as perfect as his. I don't think a lot of people take this into consideration. But if Peter had it made by a company of some sort, it would be fairly easy to trace and find who owns/ordered the costume. I think the creators knew about this, but didn't know how to solve the problem so they just kind of skipped it. On the other hand, I like how the creators of Spider Man didn't give him an endless budget, like Batman.

Bruce Wayne was a poor kid from a poor city. His family was killed and he decides to fight crime, similar to Spider Man. Only Batman, some how got extremely rich to own his own cave, custom Bat Mobile, and have some sweet gadgets. I don't know a lot about Batman, but I know enough that money doesn't grow on trees. Besides, even if he did get the money reasonably, there would be other flaws. For example, there is no way he built his car him self. He had to have had a body shop customize it. And if this were the case, it wouldn't be too hard for Joker or someone to find out the owner of that car. Again, I believe this to be a glitch that the creators failed to explain. Batman in my opinion is the most unrealistic Super Hero ever created. This is one of the reasons why I like Spider Man. He doesn't win the lottery, or get paid to rescue people. He is just an average kid, in a busy city with a lot of crime and police.

When Spider Man first started fighting crime, the police didn't know how to respond. The fact that Spider Man is trying to protect the entire city outside of the law by himself is kind of unreliable. If someone was getting mugged, they might yell for Spider Man, expecting him to be there for them. What if Spider Man wanted to take a night off? The people would get upset, and disappointed. This could lead to riots, or even more villains. The people need a reliable and legal source of security to feel safe. Maybe this is the reason why the police wanted his arrest. Yet, Spider Man continued to save people's lives. Spider Man didn't have arrest warrants for bad guys, and didn't have permission to use a citizen's arrest. He also used brute force to bring down the enemy. He would web them to a stop light, or leave them hanging from a building. If the police wanted to get picky, they could arrest him for battery against all of the people that he beat up. The police are portrayed poorly and we all know that they do their job just fine.

The Green Goblin is Peter Parker's best friend's dad. He was the top scientist at the Oscorp laboratory. He was designing a hover pad, and a chemical that is supposed to make a human stronger and better without any side affects. The government did not approve because of his one test failure of the many he had on animals. He was going to lose his job unless he proved that it worked on humans without side affects. He tested it on himself and became The Green Goblin. He killed his fellow scientist and the government people who would accept his ideas. The police couldn't figure out who it was too put a stop too it. Spider Man had stopped him from killing even more people, and this is why The Green Goblin wanted Spider Man dead. Spider Man can't even seem to figure out who The Green Goblin was. If they would just put the pieces together they would have at least a suspect.

The lab where Dr. Norman Osborne works is where the other scientist was found dead. The day before Norman became insane and killed his colleague, Dr. Osborne's idea was rejected by the government.



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