Spring Break Plan
Essay by review • March 28, 2011 • Essay • 1,710 Words (7 Pages) • 2,612 Views
Introduction: The governor of Wiley World, Wiley wants an established strategic plan for Spring Break. This plan is design to provide guidelines for preventing previous year's problems with underage drinking, indecent exposures, traffic congestion, and loitering.
Background: In 2006 the Governor and local community was outrage over the incidents, kayos and loitering from this year Spring break. The local community and Wiley World want the city and state to prevent people from outside their community from destroyer their community. They don't want to end spring break from coming to Wiley World because of the financial gains from spring break. The community is offering to volunteer their services to improve, and enforce the laws to avoid the escalating problems of spring break and to save their community.
From 2001-2006 the city of Wiley World has experience increases in underage drinking, indecent exposures, heavy traffic and loitering during spring break. The following are stats from the previous year's spring break 2001-2006 where citation or an arrest was made during spring break.
Crime citation arrest
Underage drinking 150 25
Drunk in public 300
Indecent exposure 100 10 see note 1
Loitering 60 35
Traffic violations 300 20 see note 2 & 3
Note 1 Ð'- The 10 people who was arrested for having sex in a public place.
Note 2 Ð'- 100 citations were issue because of driver or passenger not wearing seat belt.
Note 3 Ð'- 20 arrest was made because the driver was under the influence of alcohol.
This strategic plan is for 2007 and future spring break to prevent and reduce previous spring breaks and to establish guidelines for the local community and business, schools, and police to follow.
All committee members have been briefed on the issues from previous spring breaks and given stats, general complaints and arrest from the business and local communities and Chief of Police from the previous spring breaks. The goals of the committee is to reduce and prevent unruly behavior, underage drinking, loitering and traffic; ensures all business conduct and promote a safe environment for visitors and local citizens and to ensure spring break is fun for the students.
Objectives: The committee will meet at the Christopher Rainer Memorial Hall, main conference hall, the first Monday of each month beginning in August, time will be determine by third week of July. The committee will be open to the public and set forth a plan of action that encompasses: community and local business involvement, public safety, special events for underage people, and traffic patterns and solutions to prevent and reduce underage drinkers, unruly behavior, and loitering, and penalties for a person committing any of the previous acts.
A plan of action (POA) will be develop from the meetings by February and submitted to the Mayor and Governor for review/approval. Once approve by the Governor, the Chief of Police will address the local community and schools about the plan for spring break. POA will be sent to local business and residents of Wiley World and to colleges in the following states: Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Georgia, South and North Carolina and Florida. Two weeks prior and throughout spring break the plan will be advertise on television, newspapers, radio, billboards, and posted on fliers in hotels, restaurants and business throughout the community.
Committee Member's and their duties:
Judge: Oprah Winfrey
- Responsible for ensuring penalties for underage drinking and unruly behavior is fair and harsh
- Brief the committee on state and city laws.
- Review the most common cases and their penalty from previous year's spring breaks.
- Give school representatives a copy of the laws and maximum and minimum penalties for violating any of those laws.
- Approve the committee punishment that could give a student or violator an opportunity to volunteer for community or else be detain and given a citation.
State representative: Jesse Jackson
Ð'- Liaison between the Governor and Mayor
Ð'- Ensures the POA for spring break is funded and budget properly.
Ð'- Monitor and gives the committee the governor recommendations and concerns
Ð'- Ensures the committee is meeting all the governor objectives.
Mayor: Hillary Clinton
- Overall responsible for POA.
- Coordinate any special needs.
- Make all critical decisions.
- Set a mandatory curfew for the Spring break zone.
University of Wiley Representative: John Gotti
- Responsible for having volunteer university representative's help vendors enforce and conduct ID checks.
- Establish and promote special events that don't promote the use of alcohol.
- Coordinate and conducting Drug and Alcohol, and Sexual assault, abuse and prevention training with his schools.
- Post spring break POA throughout the university to have students familiar with Spring Break POA
- Informing his student body of the do's and don't at spring break.
- Responsible for sending POA to schools in Virginia, Maryland and Tennessee.
Wiley World State Representative: Dan Patrick
- Responsible for having volunteer university representatives help vendors enforce