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St. Monica and St. Augustine

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Chapter 3 Notes: (TEST- October 11)

St. Monica and St. Augustine

St. Monica- married at a young age to pagan, grown up catholic, she married Patricius who had a bad temper and moral behaviors

Monica had three children- Augustine-oldest, naviugs- middle, and a daughter peretua- youngest

Monica wasn't able to get children baptized because husband wouldn't let her

St. Augustine was very ill and monica didn't want him to die without being cleansed but when he got better monica changed her mind and didn't have him beaptized

Monica was always worried about Augustine because he was a troublemaker and he was only good at school

Christianity in the Roman Empire

Rapidly spread in the Empire

Well defined network of roads and waterways

Pax Romana

Common language- Greek

Problems and conflicts

Refused to participate in pagan rituals- led to persecutions


Constantine the Great- 272-337 AD, roman emperor- 306-337AD

The battle of the Milvian Bridge- Constantine vs. Maxentius, 28 October 312 AD (know date), over control of Roman Empire

Constantine's vision/ conversion

According to Eusebius- Constantine was leading his army, he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it the Greek words - en toutO nika

The next night (night before battle on bridge) - Constantine was told in a dream to "Delineate the heavenly sign on the shield of his solders."

Christological Debates

Beginning in second century- a number of controversies developed about how the human and divine are related within the person of Jesus

Arianism- Arius (256-333) - the son of God did not always exist but was created by-- and is therefore inferior to-- god the father




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