Studying: Long Hours Vs Condensed Time
Essay by cbaker • November 13, 2012 • Essay • 1,160 Words (5 Pages) • 1,244 Views
Studying: Long Hours vs Condensed Time
When it comes to studying for school, how much of it is truly needed? Is it really about the time that you spend working on your work or is it the quality of time spent on it? It is said that there are different study techniques that allow students to make better grades although some techniques work better for different people. Studying long hard hours of the same material may be good for some and on the other hand, little time in specific areas can be what is best for others.
Being directed towards the more elite college students who are pursuing premed in their studies, the PracticalPreMed article explains how if you devote more of your time to things you don't understand and less time to the things you already know, you will cut down the time that you actually need to study all of the things that you already know. Coming from an experienced doctor who of course must have studied many hours during their life, explains what he thinks is the best way to thoroughly grasp the material being studied. He compared two students adding that one of them spent twelve plus hours flipping through everything in the book while another spent two hours making notes about what they didn't understand and studying it for five hours making a total of seven hours. The doctor says that there is no doubt in his mind that the student that spent seven hours on what they didn't know made the better grade in the long run. Being a social college student, you obviously want to spend the least amount of time studying so that you can have your free time to do whatever you please. One student said, "I've studied a ton in the past and it's worked out for me so far" but, does he think about the time that he could cut out of studying if he maximized what he did while he was spending all that time doing so? The main point that this doctor is trying to make is that the more time and effort you put into what you don't know will help you to make the best grade that you are capable of.
Being directed towards students who are pursuing graduate degrees, the "Mental Health Expert" article describes how students should study for long hard hours to prepare to make the best grades possible. Written by a mental health doctor who analyzes the way the brain works, this doctor explains ways to help students studying for long hours. Obviously studying material can be very time consuming and can take hours upon hours. This article explains that there are ways you should study when studying for so long such as setting goals for things to memorize in a specific amount of time. Also, it says that time management is a huge key to success in the student world because if you have a plan of what you want to accomplish each day or even hour, you will be able to focus more and be less stressed. While studying for long hours, there is no doubt that the brain is going to begin to become weak and tired. In this, the doctor explains that while studying, you should be snacking at the same time having healthy foods and healthy drinks fueling the brain the best that you can. Last but not least, it is said that if you have a secure place to study and feel comfortable there, you will able to focus more and forget about your surroundings because you understand what is currently there. Today there are many distractions including technology which diverts the focus of many students so, if there is a place that you feel you can get stuff done, leave the technology behind and work with the task at hand.
When it comes to studying for tests, quizzes, or exams, what do you think is the best way for you to prepare? Long late hours studying