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Tattooing in Oklahoma

Essay by   •  November 8, 2010  •  Essay  •  965 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,464 Views

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Tattooing in Oklahoma.

Tattooing is illegal in our state of Oklahoma. We are the last state in the union not to have this type of body art. I have read in the Daily Oklahoman about a bill has been introduced to Oklahoma legislation that would legalize tattooing in our state. Some citizens think this would be something we need in our state. If we would pass this bill our state would not receive the economic rewards other suitable industry could produce.

Children would be able to make permanent marking on their bodies. The health impact of diseases from these parlors would be a great bourdon on our society.

The number of state employee's would have to be dramatically increase because of the inspection by the health department and law enforcement official. There will be a tattoo parlor on every corner just like barbershops. Now in our state of Oklahoma we have a budget deficit all government employees, so they are have to take volunteer time off of work. The county sheriff would be the agency to enforce the new tattoo law, and they are over work on domestic abuse cases and missing children. The health department would have to inspect all location making sure that the owners are up to a set standard. This too will be costly because of the shear number of shops that will open up. Oklahomans would lose our tax revenue, because these parlors do their volume of work on cash only basis, and this enable them to cook their books. And this is not the only crime around this kind of shops. The clientele are mostly dope smokers or drug addicts with nothing more to do with there time but hang out looking for the next citizen to mug. In the state of Texas the law enforcement official stated that the number of crimes are higher in location were a tattoo shop are located.

In the state of Texas a study of school age children asked how many kids had tattoos. It stated that fifteen percent of the school age children had a tattoo, and out of that five percent did not obtain permission from their parents when they got their tattoos. And that earliest age reported by these school kids of getting a painful staining was eight-year-old. With the influence of gangs activity on the rise in our state, and they use tattoo's to mark their members. By making it legal to body mark their member with extravagant pictorial of there home boy gang will just allow their numbers to accumulate. We would expect to have gangs moving in our smaller communities, as it would be legal and easier to get there markings. As it is now you have to travel about four hours to another state to get a body punching with ink stain to mark up their bodies. This give young adults time to think of what their about to do, and make a wiser decision. Minors children would be even greater disadvantage because they would not have a driver licenses, so their guardian would have take them to the parlor for this artwork to be done. If we pass the legislation to legalize tattooing would have these cheeses parlor around every corner, and who knows



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