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Teen Suicide - Identifying the Risk Factors

Essay by   •  June 14, 2011  •  Essay  •  782 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,757 Views

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Teen Suicide- Identifying the Risk Factors

To contemplate suicide at any age is awful. When it involves a teenager, who has a life full of potential ahead of them, it is almost too awful. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people aged 15-24 and suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among college students.

Teenage Suicide Statistics

The statistics and methods for calculating mortality can differ in different countries but one thing is clear, teen suicide is on the increase. The statistics suggest that while women make more attempts at suicide, men are more likely to succeed. In fact there are 4 male suicides for every 1 female suicide.

In the course of development adolescence is recognized as one of the most volatile. Adolescence is characterized by role change; communication can be problematic; teens often feel very isolated.

Sponsored Links

Death and Dying

The New York Times has a collection of articles on the subject

Teen Stress

Evidence-based research linking teen stress to at-risk behavior.

Suicide Information

Answers to your questions about suicide prevention, signs & more!

Sometimes an event in life can seem so terrible and painful that suicide is viewed as the only solution.

Some suicides are planned and some are impulsive. The list below gives some warning signs that a teen may be seriously considering suicide. If a parent or friend knows what to look out for, it may help avoid another teen suicide.

Teenage Suicide Warning Signs

One of the significant warning signs is a previous suicide attempt

Marked changes in personality, mood

Giving away personal possession, cleaning their room and throwing out things they own

Talking about suicide, wanting to die, saying life is not worth living, or expressing feelings of worthlessness

Depression, great sadness

Feelings of hopelessness and/or guilt

Feelings of isolation and loneliness

Changes to sleep patterns (such as excessive sleeping, early morning wakening, not sleeping well)

Withdrawing from activities and family

Having difficulty communicating. Being unable or having great difficulty talking

Changes to eating habits and appetite

Inability to concentrate

Losing interest in things they previously enjoyed

Having a friend or family member who has committed suicide

Using drugs or alcohol. There is some evidence that people who use are more likely to make a successful suicide attempt

Sudden marked behavioral changes such as restlessness or reckless behavior

Changes in academic performance

Loss of interest in personal appearance

Marks of self harming such as scratches or wounds on the body

Teen Suicide Risk Factors

There are times in a teenagers life that can contribute or make a teen more vulnerable to a suicidal act. These



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