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Terrorism Case

Essay by   •  December 18, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,212 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,107 Views

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We all know that Terrorism is a major growing problem in today's society, but do people truly understand the meaning of terrorism and what these organizations are capable to do in order to achieve their suicidal missions. Why do people resort to such violent acts as bombing, assassinations, and hi-jacking and how these individuals and organizations justify these acts of terror? Also did you know that many of these organizations, brain watch children while their young to have them committed to the idea of committing suicide . " Without understanding these motivations and addressing them, it would appear the governments or organizations that seek to end suicide bombings are likely to be disappointed. Which is true because how can we fight back if these guys would just likely exploit killing every body . Governments have had little success in their attempts to resolve issues involving terrorism. After all terrorism is the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.

The idea of killing oneself for a cause is unimaginable for most people; however, for some individuals, it is a heroic act. Young men, women, and even children have taken their own lives enacting this fatalistic practice. Suicide bombers truly define the meaning of the word terror. suicide attackers strap their bodies with explosives and explode their selves in crowds, hotels, marketplaces, and embassies throughout the world. For example like the 9/11 tragedy that we all know . Alarmingly, there are many people willing and committed to carrying out such missions. The driving force behind suicide attackers is not solely based on religion; in fact, it has just as much to do with revenge. In some cases, suicide bombers decide to take such actions as an act of vengeance .According too . Paul J. Smith, Author of "The Terrorism Ahead" writes that revenge is the driving force behind certain suicide attacks as a direct response to an event, such as a death of a family member (142). In the Middle East, this scene plays out daily. The ageless land conflict between Israel and the Palestinians have led to many casualties on both sides. Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis had died in these war which drives the thirst for revenge mutually on both sides. (Smith 142)I can bet there is also thirst for revenge in the middle east with The united States .Hopefully no more cases like the 9/11 will happen never again.

In the other side many of these terrorists have been victims of outreaches acts .Many Terrorists organizations use the perception of shame and bitterness to drive recruitment by employing Indoctrination tactics such as, glorifying suicide bombers as heroes and fearless martyrs that sacrificed their lives for a great cause. This propaganda is fed to children at an early age. The terrorist's philosophy is to program children while their young and to have them committed to the idea of committing suicide as a weapon to terrorize their enemies. Groups such as Hamas utilize technology to brainwash children at an early age to their ideology. According to a publication Paul J. Smith "The use of children websites, books, and cartoons to spread hatred is an effective tool to brainwash and recruit future suicide bombers. , "Most suicide terrorists are young, typically ranging in age from 16-28" (Smith 567). Paul Smith article highlights the fact of how successful the terrorist have become in manipulating young people to their cause. Once a willing candidate materializes, he or she is prepared to carry out a suicidal attack. Friedman explains Terrorists are assigned with a handler who prepares the suicidal bomber for his or her mission (67). The preparation process is extensive and well planned. The handler's job is to prepare the bomber for a trial run of the attack, and to foresee any potential disruption that can hinder the plan (68). Once the suicide bomber completes the mission, the family of the suicide bomber receives compensation and becomes a celebrity in the community.



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