Essay by review • February 7, 2011 • Essay • 1,486 Words (6 Pages) • 922 Views
The I.R.A, activist or terrorist?
I do not support the I.R.A, as I do not support Marxist or terrorists. The political wing of the I.R.A (Sinn Fein) is communists hiding under a nationalist stance. Gerry Adams is the man who heads the Sinn Fein; the man who replaced Martin McGuinness as the leader of the Sinn Fein. The actual I.R.A has splintered due to the communist tyranny the Sinn Fein has invoked on them. There's the real I.R.A who are nationalists and wanted the British out. The will not talk to the British, as they feel they are foreign invaders. Then there's the Provo I.R.A and there nothing more then Marxist terrorist. There whole strategy is based on very fashionable Marxist politics. The current Provo I.R.A slogan "I ran away" plainly states," It doesn't matter if we are Marxist, just blindly follow us". Now the I.R.A had a legit fight, but once there political wing got corrupted with the red disease, everything went down hill. They started going after protestant churches, little children and other innocent people. That's not tolerable, it's one thing to go after military targets and other government institutes, but once you start going after innocent civilians, that's crossing the line between activist and terrorist thug. The U.D.A (Ulster Defense Association) is no better, as there more concerned with there drug trafficking, then defending Ulster from these Marxist Terrorist. Now I want a united Ireland, it sickens to me to hear bout these so called nationalists killing there own brothers over some church divisions. A united Ireland is what I want to see, I want to see them unite and rid Ireland of there true enemy, the Marxist who have for the last 40 years been playing with there lives.
In the 1920's, the British wanted to get out of northern Ireland as it was during World war 1. Britain did not have one solid voice. So they pulled out. There was a protestant majority that felt they where British, and wanted to stay British. So Britain decided to partition Ireland. The Brits would take control of the northern part of Ireland, and call it Northern Ireland. They would leave the rest of the island for the Irish. Neither side was happy about this outcome. The majority of the Irish bitterly accepted this. They felt Northern Ireland would collapse under itÐ''s own weight. A group of brave Irish nationalist did not stand for this, and fought tooth and nail to rise against the British. A civil war broke out. Thus the I.R.A was born.
The Marxist leadership of the Provo I.R.A preach non violence with a "radical program of reform", but at the same time they were setting off bombs in Dockland area London .They killed 2 people and injuring 100(Feb 9, 1996). You're preaching non violent political reform, but you're blowing innocents up at the same time. The I.R.A was not always this corrupted, they where truly nationalist activists. It wasn't until around the late 1960's that people like Gerry Adams, John Hume and there Marxist cronies started to corrupt the I.R.A. For example they took full advantage of the atrocities of Bloody Sunday on Jan 30, 1972(British soldiers killed 14 unarmed civilians, during a march). They used it to further their political agenda and the Sinn Fein propaganda machine used it to recruit outraged Irish nationalists. The propaganda that the Sinn Fein and the unionist spewed was that peace and reforms weren't working, so we need more militant action. What Gerry Adams did; hypothetically speaking is like Pat Buchanan or Ted Kennedy trying to recruit angered American nationalist for there terror network; Using 9/11 as there recruiting tool. That's pretty pathetic for anyone to do.
Now in all this this, there was a small amount of moderate Catholics who felt that the I.R.A terror campaign had to come to an end to finally reach peace with the British. The majority didn't take these people seriously and the I.R.A felt they where traitors to the catholic cause. The majority felt that it wasn't about civil rights no more. They felt that it reached the point where it was war. A war where they had only one real army and that army was the I.R.A. They tried to copy what martin Luther King did and do the whole peaceful process. Nothing came out of it and they felt they had to resort to violence to get there point across. Violence was the only way to get the Brits attention and be taking seriously and to finally be heard. For many Irish Catholics, Bloody Sunday was the last straw and it was really a battle for Ireland as they saw. During this time, the Sinn Fein started to get taking seriously in politics. Whenever they where asked about be Marxist or socialist they always retorted saying "that they where for the working class. That they where traditional and it's an Irish variant of socialism" (http://ww.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontl...ict/provos.html). Well it sounds like smoke and mirrors. There preaching nationalism, but there trying to implant Marxist philosophies into the I.R.A. The cowards whenever confronted by this never admit. They always say that they are traditional, that they stand for the working man and they are nationalist.
Ok I want to switch gears a little bit and talk bout the U.D.A. The U.D.A was the largest paramilitary group in Northern Ireland. They where an off shoot of the UFF (Ulster freedom Fighters), but now The UFF has