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Tesco Organizational Behavior and Culture

Essay by   •  August 30, 2019  •  Case Study  •  4,025 Words (17 Pages)  •  4,071 Views

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Table of Contents

Introduction        2

Background about Tesco        2

Organizational Culture for Tesco        3

influence of structure and culture on the performance of the business        3

Hofstede Culture Dimension        4

Type of Organisational Culture by Handy        6

Content theories of motivation        7

Herzberg's motivation theory        8

Maslow's hierarchy of needs        9

The Equity Theory of Adam        11

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory        11

Analysis the Motivation of Tesco        12

Motivation in Tesco according Herzberg        12

Motivation in Tesco according Mayo        12

Motivation in Tesco according Taylor´s motivational theory        13

The usefulness of motivational theories for managers in TESCO        15

Reference        15


Organizational Behaviour is the study of specific or collective behaviour and its precise arrangement in the organizational structure of progress in organizational performance and effectiveness. The behaviour of the organization is concerned with studying the behaviour of persons within a regulatory framework. It involves understanding, predicting and controlling human behaviour.

This study shows the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of individuals within the organization, as well as how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve the objectives of the organization.

This study will examine the organizational behaviour within Tesco, where the study aims to identify the organizational culture used in Tesco, in addition to knowledge of the type of policy and power applied within the company and a study of the process of motivation in Tesco and its ability to achieve the objectives of the organization will also assess the relationship between culture and power Policy and motivation that enables Tesco to reach its goals and achieve success.

Background about Tesco

Tesco is one of the UK's leading retailers. It is also one of the largest food retailers and other retail services in the world. Tesco was founded by Jack Cohen in 1919 and is headquartered in Cheshunt, UK. It has 798 stores and over 86,000 employees in the UK. In this company hierarchical organizational structure is applied. At Tesco, there are many layers of management such as General Manager, CEO, Sales Manager, Marketing Executive (CH, n.d.).


Organizational Culture for Tesco

Organizational Culture: Culture refers to the pattern behaviour of the people in the organization. It determines the values, belief and principles of the organization. There are different types applying culture in the organization. Power culture: Power culture is appropriate for small organization. In case of this culture, the power is main element. It needs to make quick decision. Tesco is large retailer. Therefore, this culture is not appropriate for this company

Role Culture- In case of this cultures, the organization assigns the employees specific job or responsibilities to get the task accomplished. For example. Tesco spreads tasks to the employees by dividing into sales, marketing, customer services etc according to the functions.

 Task Culture- The task culture assigns the employees a number of tasks to achieve particular tasks are expected to get accomplished by employees within a specific timescales and budget

Person Culture. The person culture helps the employees to increase their professional skills by working in the organization. The organization motivates employees by providing them opportunity of building professional skills.

Therefore, there are various types of organizational structures and cultures in the business organization. Tesco has its own organizational structures and cultures to achieve the goals and objectives of the company.

influence of structure and culture on the performance of the business

Tesco the organizational structures and cultures are related to each other. The relationship between organizational structures and cultures can affect the performance of the organization the organizational structure defines the power of employees and also the culture defines power of employees. This structure and culture bring good outcome when there is maintained good communication again. in case of flat structures, the employees have direct conduct with the top-level management. The top-level layer enjoys wide span of control. They can directly motivate employees. The wide span of control minimizes the chain of command. Thus, it improves the employer employee relation. The shared and flexible cultures improve the employer-employee relation and increase the performance of the organization Tesco can influence the employees of this company by maintaining proper organizational structures and cultures.

Hofstede Culture Dimension

The importance of Hofstede’s theory is emphasized as the best background and direction for the HR business. Hofstede's theory defined five cultural dimensions:

1. Power distance

This dimension describes the attitude towards power and the structure of the company. We can distinguish between two main models: companies with clear hierarchical organizational structures and clear distinctions between those who run and who run, companies with a more disruptive hierarchy and people to some extent equal. Power distance describes the degree to which individuals accept one of these patterns. People with a high degree of power distance feel comfortable in the most hierarchical organizations. By contrast, those with a low energy distance prefer more equal relationships at work.

2. Individual versus collective

One of the signs that help measure how people score on this dimension is whether people use "I" or "we" when talking about themselves. Those who prefer "I" consider themselves responsible for their well-being and achievements. Those who prefer "us" tend to overburden their relatives with high burdens

Expectations in terms of assistance and responsibility. On the other hand, they also tend to be very loyal to the group to which they belong.

3. Masculinity versus femininity



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