The Battle of Hastings
Essay by baha201 • July 15, 2016 • Research Paper • 2,947 Words (12 Pages) • 1,581 Views
The story of the Battle of Hastings occurred on the morning of 14th October 1066. This is one of the few truly decisive battles in history[1]. During that time, Anglo-Saxon England was one of the strongest and wealthiest kingdoms in eleventh century Europe[2]. It was conquered by a diverse army raised by a Duke whose[3] who had been facing threats and risk for many years. These countries have been divided into curtain areas or parts that have their own management with command and controlled by Dukes, Earls or Lords. Because of their throat of others to pursuit their power, they make their country always in conflict with others. King states have little power in this area. For example Normandy, is the home of William the Conqueror. This land was belong to the Viking Rollo when The King of France, Charles the Simple in the agreement of Clair sur Epte in 911, was award some of its land to the north west and it now known as Normandy. This award happened because a part of the understanding that Viking Rollo will not attack them on the future . Normandy, or land Northmen, became a duchy[4]. Normandy is located in the lush and prosperous France because of the successful leadership skills who developt thaht area. At the time of the Battle of Hastings, the Norman presence in countries such as Spain and Italy, perhaps due to their Viking ancestry.[5]
After some time, the Normans started to embrace French language, culture and religion with feudal system as a practised, which is not familiar to the people of England. During that period, England has become much more developed as a nation. It has a more complicated level of the central government even though they are still divided into a larger version of the areas that exist today. England developed the concept of central government throughout the previous six or seven hundred years[6]. England is famous for being the centre of culture and learning and was lead by King of England as the king.[7]
This essay aim is to provide an analysis of the battle so as to understand the situation, the cause and the lesson learnt from the historical battle. This event, which is very important because of it really changed the course of British history. On a single day Duke William of Normandy conquered a kingdom that had resisted Viking invasions for years on end, ending a line of Anglo-Saxon kings that claim descent from Alfred the Great. This conquest altered the whole outlook of England, taking a nation that had looked towards Scandinavia, especially under three Danish kings, and locking her into a partnership and a struggle with France that was to last for centuries.[8]
The history of the throne of England started back during the reign of the English King Ethelred the Unready (978 in 1016). Ethelred married Emma in 1007, who happened to be the sister of King Richard of Normandy. She introduced the way of Norman life to the people of England. For that reason, she was servants and friendsfrom Norman and introduced them to the people of England. Since the country is still not safe at that time, Emma sent her three children Alfred, Edward and Goodwife to Normandy. During this time, England was attacked by Denmark. Emma later married English King Canute (1016-1035) who is a Danish when Ethelred died in 1016.[9]
The marriage with Danish, King Canute provided good relationships between England and Normandy because of Vikings influence to the Norman. The turning point is when Alfred, one of the Emma child with Ethelred was murdered in 1036. After the end of King Canute, his child Hardecante took over the throne as the King of England. Wishing to demonstrate some regret for the death of Alfred, he was sent Edward to Britain. On his entry he was proclaimed the beneficiary to the throne. The time Edward had spent in Normandy had totally influenced over him to the Norman lifestyle[10]. It is uncertain on the off chance that he could even communicate in English with any familiarity. After the death of Hardecanute in 1042, Edward became the next King of England and, was known as Edward the Confessor. [11]
Edward continued his mother task of introducing Normans way of life to the English (Saxon) people. The new role of government was not so popular among the English people, especially Godwins, father of the future King Harold II, which holds most of the power in the country at that time. Godwin had a lot of children, but it seems only a daughter, Edith who married Edward in 1045.[12]
The clash between two person which is Godwin and Edward's who holding a power base in England. On the Edward side he claim because he is the King Of England and Godwin claim that as he saw disintergration of its status and proud the way of life of Saxon. It is assumed that the breaking point came when his brother Edward in law, Eustace of Boulogne in 1051, has been involved in the commotion at Dover in which several Eustace’s men were killed. This event was make Edward angered and he ordered Godwin to burn the Dover city and Godwin refused not follow his king ordered. His violation was choose exile himself and his family by the King Of England.[13]
Now, that was not opposed for his to role the government, King Of England Edward was invited the Duke of Normandy to England and nominated him to be the heir to the throne. After a year, Godwin was come back and used his status and resources to overthrow the current government which is many Norman was taken the high position in the government. Perhaps the most important person who needs to be removed is Norman Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert of Jumieges replaced by Stigand and immediately excommunicated by the Pope. His take that action because they cannot throw Archbishop of office while still alive.[14]
Despite the resentment of Godwin, the vow was made by Edward of Confessor to make William his hear on his death changed dramatically on the king actual death bed on the 5th January 1066[15]. He was alleged to have said to Harold Godwinson, son of Godwin. “I commend my wife to your care and with her my whole kingdom”[16].
King Of Edward was buried in Westminster Cathedral[17] and followed the crowning of Godwinson as a King of Harold 11. At the same time, Duke of Normandy who expected to be next King of England and King of Harold 11 was declared to make confrontation and become Saxon versus Norman.[18]