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The Crucible Case

Essay by   •  December 17, 2012  •  Book/Movie Report  •  470 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,069 Views

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The Crucible took place in Salem Massachusetts. A group of girls from the village are caught by Reverend Parris dancing in the forest. The day after they were caught Betty Parris, daughter of Reverend Paris falls sick and wont wake up. Abigail Williams, the ring leader of the girls accused Tituba, a slave from Barbados, of forcing them to dance in the forest. Tituba said that she was forced to be with the devil. The girls were accused of performing witchcraft. They didn't want to get in trouble so they accused people in the village of being seen with the devil. Later on in the week John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor were discussing what the girls were doing. They were interrupted by Reverend Hale; he came to discuss what has happened in the town. They were then interrupted again by Giles Corey and Francis Nurse and share that their wives have been arrested. Then officers of the court came and arrested Elizabeth Proctor. The next day Proctor forces Mary Warren, one of the girls caught dancing in the forest, to confess that the witch trials are all a lie. Danforth isn't sure if what Proctor is saying is true but reveals to him that his wife, Elizabeth Proctor is pregnant and her life will be saved until after she has the baby. Mary tells the court that the girls are lying but when the girls come in they start accusing Mary of bewitching them. Out of anger John Proctor confesses to his affair with Abigail and that her accusing the people in the village is motivated by the jealousy of Elizabeth Proctor. Proctor told the court that his wife Elizabeth always tells the truth and won't tell a lie. To see if Proctor is telling the truth Danforth brings in Elizabeth, she ended up lying to save Proctors reputation. After Elizabeth is caught lying, everything Proctor has said looks like a lie and the court people do not believe him. The girls start pretending that Mary is bewitching them and Mary breaks down and accuses Proctor of being a witch. Proctor is then arrested; causing Reverend Hale to quit the court. Neighboring towns have heard about the witch trials and are concerned. Later on Abigail steals all of Reverend Parris's money and runs away. Reverend Hale comes back to town and begs the accused witched to confess to witchcraft to save their lives, but they all refuse. Danforth asked Elizabeth to talk to John to confess, he goes along with it but he will not incriminate anyone else. As Proctor was signing the paper to prove his confession,



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