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The Day of Pentacost - the Significance of Pentecost in Acts

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School of Divinity Writing Guide

Submitted to Dr. Martin Sheldon

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of any course

NBST 520-B02

New Testament Orientation II

By Mark Kuhn

Faculty of Liberty University School of Divinity

March 16, 2018

Table of Contents

Introduction        .3

The Significance of Pentecost in Acts 2        4

The “Coming of the Spirit” In Acts 2        6

What Exactly Happened on the day of Pentecost?................................................................................ 9

The Coming of the Holy Spirit to Inaugurate the Church Age..        10

The Importance of Pneumatology in Scripture        11

Conclusion        13

The Significance of Pentecost in Acts 2


Pentecost is among the most significant holiday among contemporary Christianity. Christians celebrate the holiday in the seventh Sunday after Easter. Christians use the holiday to commemorate the descent of Holy Spirit to apostles and other Jesus Christ followers. Contemporary Christians also hold the perception and belief that the day of Pentecost activities and occurrences resulted in the emergence and strengthening of contemporary churches and Christianity (Acts 2:1–31).[1] The holiday is also popular as White Sunday, especially in Europe states such as the United Kingdom. Germans also believe that Pentecost is "Pfingsten" and coincides with the scholastic holiday and the commencement of the springtime and other outdoor activities. In the Eastern churches, Pentecost is celebrated in three days Trinity Sunday, Spirit Monday, and Third Day of the Trinity.[2] As a result, Pentecost is a significant event in the Christian calendar since it marks the transformation of redemptive purpose from the generations of Isaac, Abraham, and Jacob to all peoples. It also supports the current rapid spread of Christianity to different states in the world. Therefore, the evaluation of the significance of Pentecost in Acts 2 can be useful since it enhances the understanding the emergence and development of Christianity and the role of Holy Spirit among Christians. It can as well enhance the understanding of the existing relationship between Holy Spirit and contemporary Christianity. The study can as well help modern Christians understand the influence of Pentecost in shaping their contemporary beliefs and values.  

The Significance of Pentecost in Acts 2

Pentecost is largely useful and relevant among modern Christians since it reveals significant events in the development of Christianity and the entire church. The day of Pentecost serves as the beginning of Christianity. Christians believe that the church started during the day of Pentecost. The presence of Holy Spirit marked a revolution in Christianity. As a result, followers of Jesus Christ and other people were given spiritual powers. Furthermore, during the day of Pentecost, Christians acquired the full power and capability to engage and support religious operations and activities in churches. However, according to the New Testament, the Holy Spirit shapes the current Christianity order and therefore, contemporary beliefs revolve around the day of Pentecost’s events since they define new Christian values and beliefs. The Holy Spirit was interested in empowering the church and its followers to spread the gospel to other nations. It also offered support and guidance to apostles and other church believers. Furthermore, Holy Spirit is eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.

Pentecost also served as the last day of the mosaic regime and the beginning of Christianity. Christianity can be divided into three essential eras, the Patriarchal dispensation, Mosaic regime, and Christian.[3] The Patriarchal dispensation involved the universal period of the father rule. The period started from the time of Eden and ended during the Moses era. The termination of the first stage was when Moses was given the Ten Commandments to guide Christians in their daily activities. The period was characterized by tough rules that aimed at ensuring that human beings behaved in accordance with Christianity teachings and values. The Mosaic regime was the religious development that witnessed the Israelite separating from the balance of humanity. The period was not primarily intended for gentiles but other communities. The final stage involved the beginning of Christian era during the day of Pentecost. The period involves the process and development of Christianity activities that started during the day of Pentecost, and it is expected to end after the second coming of Christ. Therefore, Pentecost marked the final day in the mosaic regime that granted a reliable opportunity for the commencement of the new era among Christians. Prophets in Isaiah 2:2-4 and Joel 2:28-30, foretold the era. It was also intensified in Acts 2:16, 17, and Hebrews 1:1. The period will last for over thousands of years and will entail the spread of Christianity in most parts of the world.

Pentecost as well facilitated the commencement of the Universal Remission of Sins in Jesus’ Name and the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts 2 indicated that before the day of Pentecost, forgiveness of sins was a presence on the promissory basis, and therefore, the animal sacrificial system as affirmed in Old Testament regime. Furthermore, forgiveness was granted through bloodshed. The day of Pentecost is that it relied only on animal blood and lacked the permanent efficacious power. As a result, Pentecost was the day of fulfilling John the Baptist prophecy on Jesus Christ and His role on Christianity (John 1:29). Therefore, the day of Pentecost marked the beginning of forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.[4] It was, therefore, a day that Christians were assured to be free after the death of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38).

 The occasion marks the shifting of God's redemptive purpose from the generation of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham to all Christians. Therefore, it ensures that Christians had the ability to communicate with God through prayers. The occasions also granted Christians power to spread the gospel to the entire world. Therefore, Pentecost is a reliable event that supports the spread of Christianity to the world. Furthermore, Pentecost emphasizes the resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ. It, therefore, enhances the marking of the beginning of the messianic age. Therefore, Jesus teachings played an essential role in creating a strong Christianity foundation that is reputable in the modern churches.



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