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The Effects of Gambling

Essay by   •  April 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  223 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,033 Views

Essay Preview: The Effects of Gambling

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Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the negative effects of gambling.

Central Idea: In order to fully understand the why gambling should be illegal, one must briefly learn about the history, the types, and the negative effects.


I. Opening Statement

II. History

III. Types

IV. Negative Effects

V. Biblical Perspective

Transition: Now let's take a look at some information that will inform you as to why gambling should not be legal.


I. History

A. Past

B. Reasons

Transition: After reviewing the brief history, lets now learn about the different types of gambling.

II. Types of Gambling

A. State Sponsored Lotteries.

B. Casinos

C. Sports Betting

1. Bookies

2. Golfing

3. Office Pools

D. Pari-mutual Betting

1. Horse Racing

2. Dog Racing

E. Convenience Gambling

1. Video Poker

2. Keno

F. Online Gambling

Transition: Now why should these types of gambling be illegal?

III. Negative Effects

A. Bad Social Policy

1. Compulsive Gamblers

2. Low-Income Tax Bracket

3. Crime

B. Bad Governmental Policy

1. Public Virtue

2. Moral Force

C. Economic Costs




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