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The Exodus

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The Exodus

The book of Exodus covers, in the early chapters the birth and early years of the man Moses. We start with the daughter of Pharaoh finds the baby Moses in the Nile river in a basket, this is because of a decree by Pharaoh to murder all the young babies of the Hebrew people. After Moses had grown he fled to the land of Midian after he killed an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew. There he met the high priest of Midian and his seven daughters, one he married named Zipporah the eldest of Jertho's daughters.

After all this God called Moses back to Egypt at the burning bush. At the burning bush God revealed the divine name which was stated by God as "I AM WHO I AM.' and for Moses to tell the Israelites that "I AM" has sent him. And Moses was given great power through the power of God. Further along Moses rises and leaves Midian with his with and children then the Lord said to Aaron, Moses' brother to meet Moses in the wilderness, so Aaron went and met him at the mountain of God where Moses explained all God had said to Moses. Then Aaron explained all the God had told him.

After all this Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said that the Lord, God of Israel said to let his people go. And Pharaoh answered Moses with another question which was," Who is the Lord, that I should heed him and let Israel go? I don't know the Lord and I will not let your Israel go!" Then Pharaoh made the command that all the people should go back to their labors and would not get any straw to make bricks, but he still wanted the same amount of production. Moses was 80 and Aaron was 83 the first time they met with Pharaoh.

This was then followed by the first plague which was turning the water of the Nile and all the water in Egypt to blood. After Moses asked Pharaoh to set the people of Israel free, and again the Pharaoh said no. After which God commanded Aaron to Stretch his hands across all the water of Egypt and God turned them all to blood and the waters stank so bad that no Egyptian could drink from them. But the Pharaoh's magicians managed to do the same through their powers, and so Pharaoh's heart was harden. The second plague of frogs was brought in Egypt after again Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrew people free, again Aaron stretched his hand over the waters of Egypt and the frogs where everywhere. They where in the bread, the water, and everything the Egyptian's had. Pharaoh later called Moses and Aaron to him and asked them pray to the Lord to take the frogs away, and he would let the people leave and sacrifice to God. So Moses and Aaron called to God and all the frogs died, but still pharaoh still hardened his heart and wouldn't listen as God said.

The third plague came when God told Moses to tell Aaron to stretch out his staff and to strike the dust so that all of Egypt would be filled with gnats. They where on all the people and animals, the magicians tried and could not produce the gnats as they had replicated all the other plagues. They said to Pharaoh that this surely had to be the finger of God, yet still Pharaoh still hardened his heart and wouldn't listen as God had said. The fourth plague of flies came upon Egypt after Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and asked if the Hebrews could go out and he would not let them. And so the flies came to the land of Egypt. After this Pharaoh called them and told them to sacrifice to the Lord to rid Egypt if the flies. They did and all the flies where gone not one fly was left in Egypt after that. The plague of the diseased livestock again occurred when Pharaoh would not let the Hebrew people go. So God stuck all the Egyptian animals with the pestilence, but not one Hebrew animal was stricken. When Pharaoh saw this again his heart was hardened and he wouldn't the people go.

The Sixth plague of boils was brought about by some dust of the kiln which God spread over all of Egypt. The boils afflicted everyone, not even the Egyptian magicians could stand in front of Moses and Aaron. Yet the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart and he wouldn't listen to either of them. The Seventh plague rained thunder, fire, and hail after Moses stretched his staff toward heaven. The hail had never fallen so hard in Egypt, and it struck down everything that was in an open field. Only in the land of Goshen where the Israelites had been was there no hail. And again Pharaoh hardened his heart and would still not let the Israelites go. The Locusts of the Eighth plague where brought in by a strong east wind that God blew them in with. The Locusts covered all the land of Egypt and they ate all the fruit and everything. Not a single green thing was left. Pharaoh asked them to pray for him so that the locusts would leave, they did but still Pharaoh hardened his heart and would still not let the people go.

For the Ninth plague all of Egypt was covered in darkness for three days, the people couldn't see one another, nor could they move. All the land of Egypt was dark except where the Israelites where. Again God hardened Pharaoh's heart and he wouldn't let the people go no matter what he had already said. The Pharaoh had also threatened Moses life if he ever saw him again. The first Passover and the death of the first born happened after all this, then the Israelites where told to leave Egypt. After all this God gave the Hebrew people directions for Passover, for the festival of Unleavened Bread, and for the consecration of the first born animals and people. God lead the people out of Egypt as a pillar of clouds by day and pillars of fire by night so that they could travel all day long. When the Hebrew people reached the Red Sea Moses cried out to god, as the Egyptian army was about to overtake them, and God parted the Red Sea for the Hebrews to cross over. But, when the Egyptians tried the same feet they drowned, all of them. After sometime in the desert the people cried out to God in hunger and God fed them through mana meaning "what is it' they ate the mana for all the years they where in the wilderness. The people also quarreled with Moses over not having any water, so god told Moses to take some elders with him ahead of the rest of the people and strike the rock at Horeb so that the people could have water. He did and god provided.

After all this they finally reached Mt. Sinai, after a battle with the Amalek, this is where Moses consecrated the people. He made them wash their clothes and prepare for when the lord would arrive on the mountain. After all this the Lord God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and all the other laws that should govern the Hebrew people. God also the rules for the Sabbath and the Sabbatical year as well as the annual festivals. God also gave Moses the orders to build the ark of the covenant, for the table for the bread



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