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The Harm of Grasshopper in Agriculture

Essay by   •  October 1, 2017  •  Essay  •  413 Words (2 Pages)  •  977 Views

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I think this is a pretty good example of a pamphlet of appealing grasshopper damage in crop. It included the biological characteristics, life cycle and its damage management. It firstly illustrated the importance of focusing on managing grasshopper and then provided some useful solutions for that. Furthermore, it put some clear pictures of the process that the grasshopper damage the crops. Finally, it was very reliable because of its precise references. As a result, without any doubt, it is a good example that I can learn from.


Grasshopper is one of the biggest threats for crop. There are incalculable plants and crops that will be suffered the harms of grasshopper every year. According to the statistics, the grasshopper has more than 10,000 kinds and was located in every continent that has people to live (except the Antarctica and Arctic). There is more than eighth of the the whole population was threaten by the harm of grasshopper. Every year, the grasshopper will approximately negatively influence 4680,0000k㎡ around the world. The damage of crop caused by grasshopper will not only influence the agriculture of a country, but also will lower the living standard of people in a country. For a long time, because of the decline of living standard of people, the economy also will be negatively influenced. Therefore, according to these statistics, it is time to communicate the harm of grasshopper.

Purpose of the Project

In my pamphlet, I will mainly communication the process and consequence of harm of grasshopper in crop. Firstly, the basic information of grasshopper will be illustrated, such as some typical types, body organs, life habit and so on. Then, my educational illustration will state the reason of grasshopper does harm to crop. What’s more, the consequence of the damage in both short and long term. Furthermore, my work will show the current situation of grasshopper damage and future solutions for that. Finally, I will appeal people to begin pay attention to the grasshopper damage and primarily know some basic solution for grasshopper damage.

Educational Value

Grasshopper is one of the biggest groups of pests in the world. It has already led the significant damage to the crop and agriculture through the world. Every year, there will be countless



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