The History of Bowling
Essay by review • November 3, 2010 • Research Paper • 2,200 Words (9 Pages) • 1,846 Views
The sport of bowling has a lengthy history packed with an evolution that has comprehensive rules; and is an indoor activity that has become one of the most popular sports in the world. It can easily be said that over 50% of Americans have bowled once in their lifetime, whether it was for a birthday party or on a date. However, many people bowl routinely without knowing anything about the interesting history of the game.
Oddly, one of the newest of professional sports, bowling is one of the most ancient. In one form or another bowling has been around for more than 7,000 and years. First traces of the sport were discovered in Egyptian tombs, but historians feel that cavemen may well have had been the originator. Having the first form of bowling using rocks or pebbles to toss at other rocks or pebbles. (Pezzano 13)
The Romans, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians were also believed to have played the game in some fashion, but there is no proof available. However, historians know that in Julius Caesar's time period, around 50 B.C., people in the Alpine regions of Italy played a game called "bocce," which is considered the Italian form of bowling and is still played today. (Pezzano 13)
The word bowl could be derived from the Saxon bolla and the Danish bolle, which translated to a spherical object. Another theory is that the word originated from the Latin bulla , or the French boule, both meaning "ball." Bowling has been known by many different names: bowls, skittles, kegling, ninepins, Dutch pins and quilles. (Pezzano 13)
According to ancient records, Germany's first bowling took on a religious significance. In the early Christian era citizens carried stakes or clubs called kegles. They were used for many purposes, from beating through bushes to defense weapons against attackers. However in the Cathedral cloisters the kegle was set up to represent the devil. A person was then given a rock or some sort of ball with the task of knocking the kegle down. If the player hit the kegle, his life was considered "clean," and had proved it by knocking off the devil (kegle). However if he missed, it indicated his aim not only in the game but in life needed improvement. (Pezzano 14)
The game was supposedly so popular in fourteen-century England that the young men were skipping military duties in order to bowl; therefore, King Edward III passed a law to ban the sport. Also, other kings had bowling banned because it became a popular gambling sport, but the sport only continued to grow. In 1455 the sport that had been an outdoor game was brought under a roof for the first time so a game wouldn't be cancelled due to weather conditions. One of the classic historical tales of bowling involved Sir Francis Drake. He did not stop bowling even though his men informed him that the Spanish Armada was approaching in attack formation. Admiral Drake is said to have stated, "There was time to score some of his own strikes and still strike down the Spaniards." (Pezzano 14)
In various parts of the world different types of bowling games flourished; including lawn bowling in England and in Ireland road bowling where pins in various numbers, shapes, and forms were used. Even Martin Luther constructed his own lane for his family for he considered the game good family recreation. (Pezzano 14)
Bowling came to the "New World" in the 1600's as the game of ninepins, which was a favorite of the early Dutch explorers and settlers who came to the northeastern section of the United Sates. It became very popular with the early Dutch and German people, and even the strict Puritans found the game to their liking. (Pezzano 15)
The game of ninepins was a popular betting game, in fact too popular for lawmakers, who eventually outlawed the game. One of the great heroes of bowling history, whose name is sadly unknown, got around the law by adding the tenth pin. This small act changed the game for the better in every way, and bowling was on its way to respectability. (Pezzano 15)
In 1895 the best men in bowling in the U.S. got together to form the American Bowling Congress (ABC). Since then, the ABC, a nonprofit organization of male tenpin bowling, established playing rules, set equipment standards and specifications and promoted bowling as a wholesome recreation and exciting competitive sport. (Pezzano 16)
From a few hundred league bowlers in 1895, the ABC now reaches some 5 million male bowlers and 10,000 tournaments, and certifies more than 140,000 lanes in 10,000 bowling centers today. The distaffers organized the Women's International Bowling Congress (WIBC) in 1916 with some 40 members, that small number has now surpassed 3 million. (Pezzano 17)
Thanks to the ABC and the WIBC the rules of the game are well defined. Everyone can compete with everyone else because the lanes, balls, and rules are standardized and many systems of handicapping have been developed. (Pezzano 18)
Bowling received its greatest boost with the invention of the automatic pin setter. It was a big step in allowing the businessmen of the game, the bowling alley owner, to remodernize both their alley and thinking. Bowling became a complete family sport with modern, efficient equipment available at all times for men, women, and children. (Pezzano 18)
In practically all surveys taken in the early 1970's, bowling had reached the point where it rated only behind football, baseball, and basketball, not only as the most popular but as the sport people like to follow most. However, bowling has long been the number one participant sport. There are bowling lanes in basements of private homes, hotel suites, in the White House, in castles in Europe and in ships at sea, as well as in the Playboy Mansion. So it is easy to see that bowling reaches a wide range of people and places. (Pezzano 18)
Bowling was slowly continuing to grow, there were only a few major tournaments: the annual ABC tournament, and later the All-Star tournament which started in 1941, plus a few other large events. For the most part however, the better bowlers made their own money by rolling against each other for huge bets. This was more an ego matter and an attempt to determine who was the best, than a way to make a living. (Pezzano 21)
It was after World War II when bowling increased in popularity and new bowling centers were constructed in huge numbers. In the 1950's there were close to more than 50 bowlers making a living or good a part-time income bowling at grand openings, and reopenings. Some of the big names of the game had contracts with manufacturers and also with commercial sponsors. (Pezzano 21)
From time to time attempts had been made to form some sort of professional group, basically to set standard fees for appearances, both on the lanes and off, and to also come up