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The House

Essay by   •  March 27, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,261 Words (6 Pages)  •  879 Views

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Kristie: and we're back im kristie wildly and if you are just joining us welcome to today's

show. YOu bettter take a seat and get comfortable because today's

topic is secrets i have just got to get out and we have already heard on enormus secret today, let me introduce you to the people behind me. this young lady here sara has always been under the imrpession that her husband johnathan loved her nad had a nice marriage. well today sarahs "perfect world" was corrupted. Johnny came out with his DEEP confession. Go ahead johnny or sarah do you want to say it again for the veiwers that are just joining us... no you Dont want to talk about it anymore?? well allow me. Johnny slept with the babysitter. Yes and the worst of it the babysitter is only 17 years old. thats right thats illigal folks

Bridget: (Stern voice) I knew you werent alone in that shower.You just could never keep you hands off.

Jimmy: I didn't

know she was 17 and uhh i didn't

mean do do it. (Jimmy puts his head down and covers his face)

Kristie: Well you two obviously have a lot

to work out,but i do wish you well. and a little word of that babysitter sarah.

Kristie: Next up we have a girl named kellie who has been hiding under hoody sweatshirts because she is 2-3 months pregnant. One hoody sweatshirt after the other due to the fact that she does not want her mother to find out that she is two to three months pregnant... until today

(kristie walks off stage and talks to jane and puts her lipstick on and touches up her makeup. while jane shows the guests the exit door and thanks them for there participation. Meanwhile Travis walks in and knocks on backstage door with flowers. Kristie comes to the door)

Kristie: travis what are you doing here ... flowers for me but its not even my birthday or our anniversary, what are they for what a surprise

thank you.

Travis: (seriouse tone) well actually Kristie i need to talk to you about some things.

Jane: (Interupts) Excuse me Kristie, i just wanted to let you know we are back on in one minute.

Kristie: thank you jane, Oh honey we are gonna have to talk later, i have to finish my makeup.

Travis: ...but... (hesitent)

Kristie: go ahead and find a seat in the audiience and watch the show we can talk afterwards.

(Travis leaves the stage but stays nearby.Kristie walks back onto the stage.)

Kristie: and we're back! With today's

topic "secrets i have just got to let out" our viewers have already watched a husband cheat on her wife with a 17 year old babysitter. up next is a young lady that is confessing to her mother that she is pregnant. We have a surprise

guest?well isn't

that nice. it is even a surprise

to me...a Travis Wildly...wait a second travis is on the show? Why is my husband on the show?....someone has some explaining to do..haha(fake and uncomfortable laughing)

Travis: Hey Kristie(awkward smiling)...I told you I need to talk to you.

Kristie: Well ok Travis, but I'm really confused here. This show is about secrets you just have to let out. Oh Lord, do you have a secret to tell me? Do you?...Why the hell would you do it on national television?

Travis: I saw this was going to be the subject matter of you next show and I just had to do it. Before I even begin to tell you my confession Kristie I have to tell you the way I have always felt about you. You are my wife Kristie. And from the first time I saw you, I was in love and I have never fallen out of it, til this very day. When I'm with you it's like ...(interrupted by Kristie)

Kristie: Ya know what Travis, quit the crap and get to the point. I mean you never even told me you were going to be on the show. And it's MY show! I just can't even think about what is going to happen and you never told me about this, so our relationship must be full of lies and lies lead to distrust and distrust leads to divorce and...

Travis: Kristie calm down. Take deep breaths. This isn't going to be easy for you.

Kristie: Well isn't this imbarrassing. I am so sorry for everyone whos still



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