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The Iep Process

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Essay Preview: The Iep Process

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Lindsey Pederson


February 4, 2018

Katie Babcock

The IEP Process

Throughout the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process there are many people who are necessary to ensure the IEP documents authenticity and uniqueness to each student and their individual needs under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). The first team member that is mandatory to the IEP process is the parent or parents. Their job is to advocate for their child, they are the only people that are the expert on their own child. Their attendance is such a vital part of their child’s success in the academic environment. The next mandatory team member is the General Education teacher they are the academic, content, and general curriculum expert. The next mandatory team member is the Special Education teacher they are the IEP expert as well as the methods and strategy expert and the individualized instruction expert. A Local District Representative is also mandatory on the IEP team. They are usually represented as an administrator and their job is to show the team what services are available for the student district wide rather than just in the school. The last mandatory team member is an individual to interpret evaluation results, which in the school settings will normally be a school psychologist and their job is to provide the information of revaluations every 3 years. For years that new testing is done the special education teacher can also be this role during the IEP meetings.

There are also some optional members of the IEP team that can be brought into meetings by either the parents or any other IEP team member. These people include the student, a parent invitation and a related service provider. The students job in the IEP meeting is to tell the team members what works best for them and what does not work for their education experience. The parent invitation could be anyone from a personal friend to a private therapist that the child works with at home. The point of this person on the team is to place another advocate for the child and their best interests. The last optional team member is a Related Service Provider, and this person is usually a speech or language therapist or reading help or other therapists such as an occupational therapist or physical therapist.

The IEP document has some requirements for it to be a legal Individualized Education Plan. The document should include a Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance section to tell how the child does in school, this gives a baseline to the IEP team. The IEP should also include a Goals and Objectives section which should be in a format such as a SMART goal to give measurable goals for the child. If the child is age 14 or older there needs to be a transition section to discuss the child secondary and post-secondary services needed. Next, there needs to be a Special Education and Related Services section that goes over what types of specialized instruction the child needs. There also needs to be a section discussing the Accommodations and Modifications the child required to ensure a good and equal education. It needs to be discussed and placed in the IEP document if the child will be taking statewide and district assessments as well as the Placement section. Is the child in the environment that restricts the learning and support services the student needs? If yes then that needs to be adjusted and changed. Lastly, the IEP document needs to include if the child needs Transportation assistance.



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