The Impact of Christianity
Essay by review • December 4, 2010 • Research Paper • 1,381 Words (6 Pages) • 1,553 Views
Christianity has impacted the lives of all through centuries in many ways. Christianity has created the basis to many subjects in this world. It did not only impact religion but science, morality, government, human rights and many more. Through all this, mankind around the world has lived their lives according to the beliefs of these subjects impacted on. In most subjects people study Christianity plays a major role and this must be recognized.
Christianity throughout years has had a greater impact on science then in any other area. The church has provided for us the founders of science ( from men such as Urbain LeVerrier who discovered Neptune, to Nicolas Copernicus who created the heliocentric theory. This also included the thought of the Big Bang theory with a Christian man by the name of Georges Lemaitre who stated, "It all had to have begun with light." This is helping us realize God had to have something to do with the creation of this world by creating the light. But this wasn't the end; another Christian man by the name of Anton von Leeuwenhoek had brought to the attention of all the study of bacteriology. Pagan beliefs sought that nature was just a group of gods who weren't to be angered. Christianity told us different and said that nature is real, it is not an illusion. The fact that God left it to us to create technology that met human needs was apart of the study of nature. ( As an early historian once said, "the Christian concept of moral obligation played an important role in attracting people to the study of nature." Many others had thoughts to say about the study of nature on the way God has impacted on it. Another historian stated, "As the creation of a trustworthy God, nature exhibited regularity, dependability, and orderliness. It was intelligible and could be studied. It displayed a knowable order." There are many other small subject included in science that are sought to be impacted on by God such as the study of scientific methodology. The Soul of Science by authors Nancy Pearcey and Charles Thaxton states this about methodology, "A newer way of understanding God's creation put the emphasis on God's will. Since God's will couldn't be simply deduced through logical reasoning, experimentation and investigation were necessary. This provided a particular theological grounding for empirical science." It's not over yet; other branches of science such as Chemistry began with a man by the name of Robert Boyle. It was said throughout scholars and historians of his time that his thoughts came directly from his faith. Due to several differences in his faith and thoughts of science he believed he had to test every thing due to his great confusion. He did and others after him who laid the ground rules for Chemistry were all great Christians. There are also small theories in science that most don't speak of that were lead by Christianity. Such as the color theory which was founded by a priest by the name of Nicholas de Malebranche.
Morality, the concern with the distinction between good and evil; or right and wrong. In Christian scriptures a high level of morality is taught to people of the faith. Is this a good or bad thing? Christianity sought to end many acts of violence such as the Roman Coliseum which held attraction of fights to the death. Little by little the catholic faith has done this, but never have they completely ended it because of the love people have for this type of entertainment. An example of this is taught through the Vikings. ( The Vikings use to be a group of fierce warriors who attacked coastland and many other sites. But then came in the teachings of Christianity and as they gradually began to collect the thoughts of the faith they began to end their terrible acts little by little until the Vikings were nothing more then regular people of the faith. Slavery also played a major role in the faith or morality. Part of morality was the belief that all are equal and should be treated as human beings. Because of the Christians lead in fights against slavery and helped dissolve it little by little.
The Unites States of America follows a strict governing system to help protect the rights of the people and hold a strong democracy. They do this by following rules of the Christian faith and of the Bible. As many don't know most laws were written as a reference to the Bible and the government is a great supporter of the Christian church. Such as the 1st amendment in the Declaration of Independence which can be found in the Bible in Tim. 2:1-2. ( As a matter of fact two thirds of the amendments written can be found in the Bible. The reference states that people throughout history have turned to the bible for help for example, "So it was natural for the early Americans to turn to the Bible for guidance as to how to make civil law. This was the standard for law beginning with the Mayflower Compact all the way through the constitutions of all 50 states." Another great example is the first state constitution, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. ( It is said that the aspects of this constitution