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The Importance of Effective Communication and Motivation in Between Managers and Employees

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IC           : 880125525424

PACE ID: 01130074


LECTURER: Ms. Mathavi Massilamany

Assignment 1 Question (30%)


Discuss the importance of effective communication and motivation in between managers and employees. Students should briefly discuss about communication failures in any organisation and provide recommendation to overcome communication barriers. Answers must be supported by any TWO (2) journals.                          

Your report should include:

a) Table of Content

b) Main Body - Literature review

c) Evidence

d) Conclusion

e) List of References/Bibliography

f) Appendices (if relevant)

g) Grading Scheme


(1)   Your mark in this coursework will carry a 30% weight in the assessment of your overall performance in this module.

(2)   You will be working on this coursework in an individual basis.        

(3)   The assignment will be in a report format of not more than 1,500 words.

(4)   Appropriate APA will be employed where applicable.

(5)   Your assignment should type written, 1 ½ line spaced, font 12 Times New Roman and justify aligned.

(6)   Students are to provide table of content, page number, proper heading title for each part answered and references.

(7)   Use an appropriate cover sheet with the grading scheme with the particulars of all group members.

Due date: 3rd January, 2015; 5pm

TABLE OF CONTENT                                                   PAGE NUMBER



Importance of Effective Communication and Motivation in between Managers and Employee


Communication Failures


Recommendation to overcome Communication Barriers





Communication commonly meant as exchanging information amongst people. The most important is about understanding the intention and emotion behind the information exchanged. An effective communication is a two way street. It includes how one conveys messages and how the messages is received and understood by receiver. Effective communication is very important as it helps to improve the connection with others and indirectly will improve teamwork, problem solving and decision making. Communication failures may bring lots of conflict so it is very important to overcome communication barrier.

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Importance of Effective Communication and Motivation in between Managers and Employee

In any organisation, effective of communication and motivation in between managers and employee is very important. First of all, it makes sure the information is distribution between managers and employee. The organization should distribute any information that are vital for example, if there are changes of organization’s business focus or planned. This is to make sure employees feel they are respected by the organization and enhanced the work flow in the organization.

Next, effective communication is very important to improve relationships between managers and employees. A workplace operates depends on the effective relationships either between managers, managers or even departments and also levels of the organization. Clear and effective communication helps to strengthen the relationships and this can assist employees especially in reaching maximum productivity in an organization.

With good relationship between managers and employees, this will able to improve workplace culture in the workplace. So, effective communications in the workplace act as an important role in order to develop a long lasting motivation to employees. Also, with good relationship built, things will definitely go smooth because everyone is on the same page and able to understand the same goals and the direction of an organization.

Effective communication also makes sure that proper decision is made throughout the organization. This is to make sure ideas and opinions can be exchanged and sponsor as a part of decision making process. Open communications can allow employees and managers participate in an organization’s success.

It is very important to maintain effective communication between managers and employees to maintain improvement in an organization. For example, the skill set training programs given together with mangers is one of the ways for employees to receive their career development assistance. For managers, only with effective communication, they are able to monitoring their employee performance and developed proper training programs and in order to improve productivity, and improve the skill sets of the employees. This is to motivate employees to suc

Communication Failures

Communication failure between managers and employees will cause break down of trust or believe. This will cause people prone not to trust or believe one another and this will cause failure in communication and even bring to business break down. Besides, complex communication methods between managers and employees also cause communication breakdown. For example, some technical terms and complex term used by professional groups will cause communication breakdown. This is because not everyone comes from same professional and even industry lingo.



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