The Industrial Revolution by Emma Carter
Essay by emmacarterr • November 24, 2013 • Essay • 677 Words (3 Pages) • 1,426 Views
The Industrial Revolution is changing everyone's lives. Sure it has its perks, but overall this has made life in England worse. The Industrial Revolution is causing life in today's society to become very unpleasant because of the harsh working conditions and wages, strenuous child labor, conditions in the coal mines, and urbanization.
The ultimate factors contributing to the downfall of life during the Industrial Revolution are the working and living conditions, child labor, and the coal mines. Working conditions and low wages are the worst part that has come along with the Industrial Revolution. Families need money to support the household, so they put up with terrible working conditions. Only to reap the benefits of barely any wages. Most workers work from 12-14 hours a day, 6 days a week with short or no breaks for meals. If someone is off-task or not doing the job correctly, they are fined or sometimes even fired. The environment is also appalling. Factories have low ceilings, locked windows and doors, and dangerous machinery that can rip people's limbs off. Most people die of throat or lung infections because of breathing in the toxic fumes that circulate in the factory. Child labor is another negative result of the Industrial Revolution. In order to help support their families, children have to work too. They work the same hours as adults do, yet they are only paid 10% of the adult man's wage. These children have to crawl through small spaces so their bodies often become deformed and are weaker than they should be because they do not eat enough at home and are not allowed to eat at work. Children have it worse when it comes to getting paid, but they also have more severe punishment than adults do. If a child is late or makes a mistake, they are fined or harshly beaten. Children are also commonly used in the coal mines, which is next on the list of negative effects of the Revolution. People work underground in 80 degree or more heat in dark and damp mines. Women and children have to pull a cart full of coal through narrow passages for around 10-12 miles a day! These mines are so dangerous because people face possible underground floods, explosions, and getting lung disease from the poisonous gases and coal dust getting breathed in. The last undesired outcome of the Industrial Revolution was urbanization. Since people all move from the farmland to the cities, more houses need to be made in a short amount