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The Kite Runner

Essay by   •  June 10, 2011  •  Book/Movie Report  •  933 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,086 Views

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"It may be unfairÐ'... In a single day can change the coarse of a whole life time." That one-day in 1975 made Amir who he was to become in 2001. Discuss.

In the novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini, we find a grown man name Amir, still struggling to over come his past sins of betrayal and sacrifice. For the many years he had tried to bury his shameful memories of his cowardice of the abuse of his loyal fiend Hassan. Amir as a child had a confusing childhood, where he cried for the acceptance of his father, challenged his servant's loyalty and cried for his mother. Because Amir was unable to stand up for himself he was always relying on others to do it for him. But in 1975, in the alley no one was going standing up for him; it was his turn to stand up for some one he loved most. "Accept whatever would happen to meÐ'... or I could runÐ'... In the end I ran" This quotes summaries Amir's life.

Hassan is Amir's loyal servant, friend and companion. He can also be called Amir's protector, guardian and teacher because Amir learnt many things from Hassan. From a readers point of view we could never question Hassan's loyalty towards. We see many examples of Hassan's loyalty for example daily routine of serving, sticking up for him against Assef and of most loyal act sacrifice himself for Amir and be raped by Assef. Hassan's action or qualities can never be questioned as wrongdoing or selfish. "For you a thousand times over" Amir on the other hand, we can see many actions of self-centerness, betrayal and jealousy. Through out his childhood he always tested Hassan's loyalty but never tested his own loyalty. Amir while yes being a friend with a Hazara is loyal thing, Hassan was only the backup. "Ð'...Wondered why he never includes you in games when he has guests? ...something he can play with when he's bored, something he can kick when he's angry." In reference to Baba and Amir, they were not very alike because they shared no interests. Even though Amir cried out for his fathers love, Baba could never accept his Amir for who he was. Baba always wanted more from Amir, to stand up for himself, to be a man and not to sit around and write and read. Amir was not strong minded or willed and was highly emotional and self absorbed. But 26 years later, after the sexually assault of Hassan we see a very different Amir.

"For me, America was a place to bury my memoriesÐ'...someplace with no ghosts, no memories, and no sins." A new country really changed Amir. Although not for getting his pastful ways, it did help him to move on. Amir's character has change aswell as his relationship with Baba. Baba has finally accepted Amir for who he is and has accepted his talent of writing. Amir and Baba are close and even though Baba struggles with his new life in America. "..A place to mourn his". Amir is a grown man who has learnt to stand up for himself and shows a sense of responsibility for Baba and Soraya. But the one thing he still holds is the sin, betrayal and guilt of running from



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