The Life of Tennessee Williams Reflected in His Play the Glass Menasgrie
Essay by tiray • December 7, 2017 • Research Paper • 917 Words (4 Pages) • 1,416 Views
Essay Preview: The Life of Tennessee Williams Reflected in His Play the Glass Menasgrie
Name: Akinniyi Abimbola
SPE 102 BL
Specific purpose: To inform the audience about the three types of marriage
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Marriage is a relationship between individuals which has formed the foundation of the family for most societies. Marriage has traditionally been understood as a social contract between a man and a woman. The participants in a marriage usually seek social recognition for their relationship, and many societies require official approval of a civil or religious body. Marriage takes place every day all over the world, but the three most common marriages religious marriage, civil marriage, and traditional marriage.
- First, I’d like to explain the definition, reason, process and statistic of a religious marriage. A. religious marriage is a ceremony presided over by a Christian priest or pastor.
B. A religious marriage acknowledge that marriage is an act of God and a scared ritual. It reminds the bride and groom that the greatest responsibility in marriage is religious. Religious marriage is not a contract between a man and a woman, but a covenant between three.” The third partner is Christ and, when he is not given any room in a marriage, there can be no assurance of a happy Christian home.
C. A religious marriage is usually held in the church. After the bride and groom arrive with their family and friends, the pastor/priest will make an opening prayer. The pastor asks, “Who is giving this woman to be joined to this man?” and the bride’s father says, “Her mother and I.” the bride and groom approach the pastor on the platform and make a wedding vow. The pastor then asks the groom, “What token do you give as a pledge of sincerity of your vow?” and the groom answers, “A ring.” The pastor then pronounces them husband and wife in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and says, “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” Then they kiss and the pastor introduces them as Mr. and Mrs.
D. Religious marriage accounted for the highest proportion of marriage (66.3%) in 2015.
- Second, I’d like to explain the definition, reason, process and statistic of civil marriage.
- Civil marriage is a ceremony performed, recorded and recognized by a government official.
- Civil marriage has no religious institution to perform the ceremony. A civil marriage is basically a one-stop, which means there is no need for two ceremonies.
- The country clerk addresses everyone and says an opening prayer or reading. The clerk then says some words about marriage in general. After the word, the bride and groom makes a wedding vow saying “I (bride/groom), take you (bride/groom) to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part,” and they exchange rings. The clerk typically says, “By the power vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you married.” This is followed by the first kiss of the newly married couple.
- The number of marriage registered in 2015 was 22,025… civil marriage ceremonies were the most popular choice of non-religious marriage ceremonies accounting for 6,156 (28%) of all marriage.”
- Lastly, I’d like to explain the definition, reason, process and statistic of a traditional marriage.
- Traditional marriage is a union between person that is recognized by custom or religious tradition.
- Most people celebrate traditional marriage because it makes the couples pay homage to their heritage by following some rules and rituals and unites the couple’s families together. It allows the couples to show their family and friends that they are proud of where they are from.
- The Indian traditional marriage is typically divided into three parts which is per-marriage, main-marriage and the post marriage. In the pre-marriage, the bride’s hands and feet are decorated with intricate patterns by application of Henna. It is believed that the deeper the henna the stronger the grooms love for the bride. When the bride goes to the groom’s house after the wedding, she is not expected to perform any housework until the henna faded away. The main wedding is held at the bride’s house. The groom is always accomplished by his family, relatives and friends. The bride waits for the groom with a jaimala, which is a decorated garland. Soon after the groom arrives, the bride and the groom exchange garlands and whosoever put the garland on the other partner first has the upper hand in the marriage. The bride and groom are considered wed when the groom ties a mangalsutram, which is a scared thread that symbolize his promise to take care of the bride as long as he lives. Post wedding; after the wedding ceremony is over, the bride is bid farewell as she leaves for her husband’s house. This is a very emotional moment for the bride and her family as she is leaving her parent to join her husband.
- The total number of traditional marriage in Indian is 1,028,610 in 2014.
Today, I have talked about the three most common type of marriage that we have which are religious, civil and traditional marriage. The traditional marriage is considered as the most fun and interesting ceremony. As for you, which marriage will you considered as the most fun, important and interesting marriage?