The Life or Robert Berdellla
Essay by hannah0021 • January 30, 2018 • Essay • 1,007 Words (5 Pages) • 961 Views
The Life of Robert Berdella
Robert Berdella was born in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio on January thirty-first in nineteen forty-nine. When he was seven his little brother, Daniel was born. Berdella was twelve and he was baptized as a catholic. He lived in this town his whole childhood, and he graduated highschool at the age eighteen. When Berdella was young his father died of a heart attack at age thirty-nine and that had a huge impact on Berdella’s future. Soon after Berdella’s mother remarries, and he despised that she moved on so quickly. During his time here he was reportedly raped by one of the men he worked with at a restaurant in Ohio. After this tragedy, he stopped attending the church services. When Berdella turned sixteen, he watch the movie “The Collector” and this was about a man who kidnapped a woman and was keeping her captive, and after a while of abusing and beating her, he finally killed the woman. Berdella soon later would admit that this movie left a long impression on him.
Once Berdella turned eighteen and he was graduated from high school, he moved from Ohio and would enroll in the Kansas City Art Institute. Once Berdella was in Kansas City the story began. He did not finish or complete college due to his personality and run-ins with the cops and the law. Soon after he dropped out of college he started to sell drugs and alcohol. Berdella has been in Kansas City for two years and he was arrested for selling amphetamines, LSD, and marijuana to undercover agents. For this crime he received a five year suspended sentence. That same year he bought the house on 4315 Charlotte Street. After his arrest he began work as a short-order cook. A few years later he became more accomplished and started working for well-known country clubs and restaurants. While he was doing this, he also organized a local crime prevention and neighborhood watch association. Berdella also worked with troubled youths. Once Berdella turned thirty, he opened up Bob’s Bazaar Bizarre. This shop was known for being a little strange, he sold human skulls, jewelry, occult books, and more.
Berdella’s first victims name is Jerry Howell, he is nineteen. These two actually met in Bob’s Bazaar Bizarre. They had a relationship for a few months, Berdella said that he helped Howell pay for a lawyer and Howell refused to pay him back. Berdella picked Howell up on July fourth and took him back to his place and fed Howell a variety of animal tranquilizers, gagged and tied him to a bed, then assaulted him repeatedly. Berdella kept him at the house, and went to work. After he got off work Berdella would repeat the assault. Once he was done with that, Berdella would inject Howell with multiple substances to keep him from escaping, and then beat him with a metal rod until he was dead. The second victim’s name is Robert Sheldon. At this time Robert is eighteen years old. Berdella allowed Robert to stay at his house for a few days, and Berdella injected Robert with drugs and intended on keeping him how he did with Howell. Robert officially went missing on November nineteenth, and he became a captive. Berdella decided to take a risky move and take Robert to a doctor because he was complaining of being sore from the drugs. After, Berdella did the same things to Robert as he did to Howell, but this time Berdella injected something in the left eye of Robert with the intention of making him go blind, so