The Misappropriation of Events
Essay by review • September 13, 2010 • Essay • 3,231 Words (13 Pages) • 1,901 Views
The Misappropriation of the events that took place on December 27, 2001
Report By: Jonathan Floyd
The following report is based solely on the opinions and the feelings of the author and contains vague and dry statements about the education system, school system, those judging, and the institution that we call learning and how it has been affected by this unfortunate incident. For you the reader, I have broken this document down into six ( 6 ) parts.
Education System
School System
Those Judging
The law
Conclusion and reference
Section 1: Education System
My education and my fellow assailants education has proven to be a very productive thing in our careers as students. We are all seniors in highschool and we will all be going off to college next year to pursue our futures and continue to expand our minds with learning. It is said that education is the best tool that a person can have under hisher belt and can be used to build the \\\"houses of life\\\". My house of life was looking rather alright until that December day when the \\\"criminals\\\" were captured. ( I say criminals and I express that with captions because that is how the school is treating us... like cold hard criminals ). My education as well as the other three is looking like it is about to hit the rocks right now.
I will explain a little more about how it will hit the rocks when I focus on the School System section. I don't give our system of education any haste in this day and time because the youth of America are being taught all about the world and learning to cope with other cultures as more and more flow in to our country. But they are also being taught about the terrible things that happen in our society ( i.e. crime ).
Crime is where we come in. Just a couple of kids, having some fun, spray painting a stupid school. It is just a rivalry thing and we were caught smack dab right in the middle of it all. I know that this section is supposed to be about the education system that we have but it will also be a brief overview of everything that happened. I really don't feel like scrolling all the way back up to the top of this page to add another section so you will have to bear with me on this one.
I am going to go ahead and tell the whole story so that when you read this, you will know exactly what happened and you won't know the stupid \\\"tales\\\" that people at school may tell you. So believe what I am about to say because I want to fill you in on the correct info. I am gonna put it in BOLD so that all of you incompetent people out there can understand it. We were all bored one night so we decided that we would go over to North and tag them good. So we got our spray paint and head on over to North. We got there and everything was picture perfect. We did our dirty stuff, painted out memorial, painted the street and sidewalk, and did some other small stuff. ( I will talk about stuff that Poole said we vandalised but we really didn't do that in the \\\"Those Judging\\\" section ). So we were all filled with joyous glee at the Christmas present that we had given North with all of our hearts. We thought that we were just gonna get in our cars and be on our merry way back home. We were heading to our cars and Chris was there to pick me up so I was just about to get in his car when The Huntersville police drove up. He asked us some questions and we answered, destroying our right to remain silent. He looked at the damage and called some backup. The backup arrived and they put us in custody and hauled us off on a trip downtown. Okay, that should clear most of everything up. It should get the story straight for most of you. I know there are some of you out there that like to lie so you will just pretend like you never even read this. Anyway, that is the story. All of the stuff that happened at the jail never really mattered so we need not go there.
Okay, back to the education system now. I think it could use a little roughing around the edges but all in all I think it is alright. Oh yeah I think I forgot to mention that North Carolina has the WORST education system ever! All other 49 states have outstanding programs, but ours is much like our environment... TRASHY. I say death to the NC education system! Well, I got my anger out in a little sentence there so I think it is time to move on to the next section because everything that I wanted to say here has been said and it should be understood by now.
Section 2: The School System
What can I say? The Charlotte-Mecklenburg School system is TRASH as well. Char-Meck schools have never really done anything for me. I mean I have gotten a pretty good education throughout my many years in Charlotte but the second I hit Highschool a lot of things changed. I became more distracted and my grades began to fall. They seem like the begin to give up once you hit that milestone in your life. At first I thought it was just girls that were doing this. But I think I was wrong. I think that the real reason why the school system here is bad is because of their 100000000000 page rights and responsibilities handbook that they give us EVERY year! That I s abunch of garbage. That is just one big waste of good oxygen and wood. It is the same thing every year and I just ignore it anyway. But all of that has changed since the tragic events of December 26, 2001. We all knew that the school would probably suspend us for what we did but we did not think that they would drag it out to this extent. I am going to show you a couple of sections out of the student rights and responsibilities handbook and compare them as to how the consequences vary.
From page 13 out of the handbook and I quote:
Rule 14 Vandalism
A student will not willfully, with or without malice, damage or destroy property belonging to another, or participate with others ( either by presence or action ) to damage or destroy property; i.e.; school property, at a school sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property, or property belonging to a school employee. A student or parent/guardian will be held financially responsible, as allowed by