The Moral Aspects of God’s Purity
Essay by Latreasecole • January 18, 2018 • Research Paper • 1,174 Words (5 Pages) • 1,030 Views
The Moral Aspects of God’s Purity
The moral aspects of God’s purity are the inherent characteristics closely associated with or belonging to God. By moral purity we are also referring to God’s absolute freedom from anything wicked or evil. In this brief paper, I will be discussing and explaining the moral aspects of God’s purity which includes: His holiness, righteousness, justice, integrity, genuineness, veracity, faithfulness, love benevolence, grace, mercy, and persistence.
It is important that we recognize the holiness of God because so much of our relationship with God is dependent upon it. When we as God’s children recognize and realize God is so holy that He must judge all sin, we understand the necessity of coming to God, through Jesus Christ. There are two basic aspects of God’s holiness, the first is his uniqueness. He is totally separate from all of creation. The uniqueness of God is affirmed in, (Exodus 15:11) “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?” When Jesus hung on the cross and cried out” My God, my God, why hast tho forsaken me?” (Matt: 27:46) God was unable to look at his own son as he died, bearing our sins. An understanding of God reminds us of the degree to which God loves us “For God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son (John 3:16).
Righteousness is the second dimension of God’s moral purity/aspects. Righteousness is holiness manifested in God’s dealings with us. The righteousness of God means, first of all, that the law of God, being a true expression of his nature, is as perfect as he is. The righteousness of God is confirmed in (Psalm 19:7-9). In other words, God commands only what is right, and what will therefore have a positive effect upon the believer who obeys. Because God has attributes of goodness as well as greatness, He can be trusted and loved. Because God is righteous, measuring up to the standard of his law, we can trust him. He is honest in his dealings.
God himself acts in conformity with his law. He also administers his kingdom in accordance with his law. That is, He requires that others conform to it. The scriptures make clear that sin has definite consequences. These consequences must eventually come to pass, whether sooner or later.( Genesis: 2:17) reads” But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” The justice means that He is fair in the administration of his law. He does not show favoritism or partiality. Who we are is not significant.
The cluster of aspects/attributes which we are here classifying as integrity, relates to the matter of truth. The three dimensions of truthfulness are: genuineness—being true; veracity—telling the truth; and faithfulness—proven true. Although we think as truthfulness as telling the truth, genuineness is the most basic dimension of truthfulness. The other two derive from it.
The basic dimension of the divine integrity is God’s genuineness. In John 17:3, Jesus addresses the Father as the only true God. God is real; He is not fabricated or constructed or imitation, as are all the other claimants to deity. God is exactly what he appears to be. This is a large part of his truthfulness. God does not simply seem to embody the qualities of greatness and goodness which we are examining. He actually is those attributes.
The second dimension of God’s truthfulness is veracity. God represents things as they really are. In (Titus 1:2) Paul speaks of the God who never lies. And in Hebrews 6:18) we read that when God added his oath to his promise, there were two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible that God should prove false.” God does not and will not lie. God cannot lie. Lying is contrary to his very nature. God is true, he tells the truth, and he proves true.
God is faithful in every way. We can always rely and depend on him. It is absolutely certain that nothing can make him forego what he has promised. Nothing can cause him to change what he has purposed with respect to us. If you are a child of God your ultimate destiny is absolutely sure. God keeps all his promises. He never has to revise his word or renege on a promise.