The Nature of Mankind
Essay by review • August 23, 2010 • Essay • 1,714 Words (7 Pages) • 2,353 Views
Society is based upon a set of rules created for all men and woman. It represents
that all people of all race, religion, and ethnicity should be treated equal. The unfortuante
part about society is that not all people do accept the fact that everybody is the same. You
wouldn't think that this has been going on for a very long time, but really, it has. It started
in the past, it still occurred
in the century I know best, the twentith century, and it is still
to this very present day. The nature of mankind is corrupt, it always has been and
it always will be. I believe that this is what will happen because based on the evidence I
have read, heard, and watched on television, the nature of mankind is bad.
Mankind led a hard life, men and women worked long, hard hours out in the fields,
just so that they would be able to survive. People knew one way of doing things, and the
thought of a different and easier way to do things was out of the question. So when it came
to the discoveries of certain things, people were outraged. This goes back to the early
1600's when Galileo Galilei was inventing and discovering. He came up with an invention,
the telescope, to see into the outer limits of the earth. He spent endless nights, and came
up with the conclusion that the moon was actually made up of craters, mountains, and jagged
surfaces. He announced to the public his discovery, and many people, including scientists,
were outragged. Galileo was put on trial for wrongful thinking. People did not accept the
fact that people were getting smarter, and the world was changing before their very eyes.
Mankind is unreasonable, right before them ideas were being brought forward, and all they
did was push them back down into the dirt. Pretty evil, the world was going to change
anyway, it was not going to stay the same. It goes to show what mankind is also like. For
example, if all of society is supposed to be equal, then why are nobles and the clergy only
allowed to have important jobs, and the peasants forced to dig in the dirt for back breaking
hours. Kings and or Queens controlled what people were to be doing, if they had to pay
taxes and who they had to pay. People did not agree with this type of system, the feudal
system, and therefore, revolutions would take place. People knew long ago that all of
mankind was not treated equal, so why didn't they change so that every one was? I don't
know how to answer that, but I do know that if people were treated equal then society would
probably not be the way it is today. People would have reasonable equality. It did start to
improve a bit, peasants were getting a little bit more slack, but nothing really changed,
people set themselves up for the idea that they were bad. It goes to show how much people
actually want change also. In the middle 1600's, Charles I was king. He needed money, so
he went to the Parliament, and they made him sign the Petition of Right. This made it so he
had limited power, but Charles I found a way around it and by 1642, the Parliament and him
created a civil war. The people won the war, and the king went down, the country was taken
over by a leader, Oliver Cromwell, who promised the people a better way of life, but this
unfortuantly did not last for very long. Cromwell had his own beliefs on how the country,
(England), should be run, but this soon got dimolished. People are horriably stupid, they
gave up on a new way of doing things so easily, they don't even give it a chance, but it also
goes to show that mankindis stupid for making society believe in things that aren't even
The twentith century was the decade that I know best about, to an extent. I know
that people did some pretty stupid things that would make you understand why mankind is
corrupt and stupid. One for example is that mankind is always fighting. Mostly for religious
beliefs, but there is also many other reasons why. People are going to war for unhealthy
reasons. In 1939, Germany decided to invade Poland, England and France demanded that
Germany take its troop out of Poland, and when Germany refused to do so, England and
France declared war on Germany. This started World War II. Germany wanted certain
pieces of land that did not belong to them, and after some time, Britain and France agreed
to let Germany have a part of Czechoslovakia. Germany said that this would be the last
territorial demand in Europe. Unfortuanetly this pact was broken, and war continued on.