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The Philosophy of Freidrich Froebel

Essay by   •  December 9, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,373 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,750 Views

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Friedrich Froebel was born in 1782 in Oberweissbach, Germany. His mother died when he was 9 months old and his father was away on pastoral duties quite often so he went and lived with his uncle when he was 10 years old. Froebel was not completely interested in school but enjoyed forestry, geometry, and land surveying (Dunn 169). His upbringing and interests, along with his Christian faith strongly influenced his educational philosophy. "Friedrich used learner-centered, child-centered, experience-based ideas to develop the world's first kindergarten, a school for young children" (Henson 8). The father of kindergarten was the title usually associated with Froebel and his philosophy. His methods allow children to grow and move on as they conquer new concepts not when educators or administrators decide.

Froebel's philosophy was influenced by the teaching methods of Pestalozzi (Dunn 169). He agreed with many of Pestalozzi's ideas but thought that there was too much focus on memorization and direct instruction. Froebel "balanced group activities with individual play, direction from teachers was balanced with periods of freedom, and the studies of nature, mathematics, and art were balanced by exploring" (Froebel Web). Through exploration by the child and observation by the teacher education could be distributed as was needed in the best interest of the child. He wanted students to figure things out for themselves through discovery. If a child can discover a concept on their own that child is more likely to grasp and clearly understand that concept because they were the means by which they learned the information. Play was a major aspect of his philosophy because it gave children a chance to externalize their inner nature and a chance to imitate and try out various adult roles. Children had the chance to try on many faces and figures so that they could find out who they were and who they should be. Even today people try to find out who they are because in the essence of each of us we feel that who were are or supposed to be is already in our souls we just have to discover who that is. Through play and role playing children could learn how to solve their own problems. Much of what people learn comes through their experiences, if children are able to practice and experience certain problems they will develop the skills necessary to problem solve. If children could work through these situations there could be a decrease in behavioral problems as children grow because they had the chance to develop their problem solving skills at a young age.

"According to Froebel, the ultimate purpose of education is the realization of a faithful, pure, inviolate, and hence holy life" (Dunn 170). Since Froebel's philosophy was based on idealism he believed every person had spiritual worth and dignity. If a person assumes that each individual they encounter has worth and thus should be treated so more people in life would be, simply put, happier. It comes down to respecting each individual for whoever they are. Thus like idealists he believed that children had within him all he was to be at birth. As Dunn states, "practice in education should be designed to develop and cultivate individuals toward attainment of their destiny" (170). Starting children off in kindergarten gave them a chance to grown and be what they were destined to be, by partaking in play and role playing with plenty of space to develop properly. In today's society there is a lot of talk about finding yourself and taking space to figure out who they are. I think a lot of that is because people never had a chance to do so when they were young. Today's society just speeds through life trying to get one step ahead of the next person and later in life they stop to reexamine who they have become because they didn't take the chance to discover that person when they should have.

Froebel stressed the "importance of creating a happy, harmonious environment" where the child can grow; and where the "value of self activity and play" are foundation to the development of the whole person (Froebel Web). Teachers should observe students during play so that they know how and what to teach and gear toward each student because you need to cultivate the inner person in each. It isn't all about chaos because there is order and structure in play and free will. Play and freedom are structured through "gifts and occupation." The gifts are used to help children understand concepts and the occupations to make products. Froebel was trying to create a school that uses the child's imagination and creativity already in them to foster an education plan that fit their minds and souls. We have been taught in the bible to be like children because they are pure and clean, if more of us became like children then the world would be a better place.

The effects this theory has on the classroom



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