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The Pros and Cons of Homosexuality

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When you used to watch TV you could always be sure they would be taking about the opposite sex when referring to sex or love, but not any more. Every where you look homosexuality has taken over and has become one of the main focuses of shows we see today. Homosexuality is the sexual behavior between persons of the same sex. It can also be called many other names: gay, lesbian, a fagot, special, heterosexual. There are many names for homosexuals but it doesn't matter how you say it, being a homosexual is wrong. Not only is it wrong morally but also biblically. The only reason it has become so big is because our society tells us to do what feels good and our sinful nature causes us to want to do what's wrong, and many people are doing it. People are accepting homosexuality because of the life our society is telling them to live. Despite what people say wether it's a choice or you're destined to be gay, it's irrelevant. People are trying to find a way to fill that empty part of their life and they think homosexuality will do it.

Homosexuality, popular because it's suddenly gained lots of interest from the world in a positive way. It was viewed as a horrible thing and you could be hanged. But now that our society has a better accepting of everyone else's views we have given them an extra push to make that horrible step into sin. Just for being an outgoing person, people have become homosexual as a way to stand out and get noticed. It's weird that society would rather that I become gay than make attention for myself in a beneficiary way. Actors will say that they are gay to gain attention from the news papers or to make more money from roles on movies or TV. They end up doing that but it only lasts for so long where as if you were to have a child, people can follow the growth of that child and gain more interest than a story about how his/her gay life is fun.

There are many reasons to prove that homosexuality is wrong. Many of those reasons are from the Bible but because many people, especially gays, don't believe in the Bible or God period, we must use statistical and medical evidence to show how it's wrong. That's what this paper is about, the pros and cons of homosexuality and what the outcome is, I know how I feel but you may not. Homosexuality is a main factor in teen suicides, it is an immoral way of living and it only ruins lives. It seems like a way of being happy to many but they find out that it's not and they end up doing something that makes their lives worse. It only works for a while and if even that, people who say otherwise are either denying it or truly are blinded by the sin in their lives. You hear about people who say they're so happy but they're really not, I don't understand why they would do that. Of course I'm not gay so I couldn't.

The Bible says that homosexuality is wrong and many places. (Moses, Bible) Many passages talk about how it's wrong and say that both in the act should be put to death. Though some of these passages are from the old testament, we shouldn't ignore them. This doesn't mean we should go out and kill homosexuals but we must recognize it as a sin. We're told to hate the sin but love the person, many people get this mixed or wrong and we only turn them away from Christ by hating them or just showing an unwelcomeness in our lives. Some people do stuff opposite of the church's beliefs just for the fact that they don't like the hypocrisy of Christians and think that the complete opposite of what we believe is right. We need to do whatever we can to get through to them and show them the truth. This means finding the problems and fixing them at the source to do what Christ told us to do and that is to go out and make disciples of the nations.

A hate crime is targeting someone for different religious beliefs or racial back round. You almost got it but are not totally right. Lots' of violent crimes are because of hatred, the murder of college student Matthew Shepard is considered a hate crime because he was a homosexual; even homosexuality is a choice of a lifestyle it is a reason to give certain rights. (Rosaline Bush) Still, the murders of many people happen to this day but "hate crime" isn't allowed to be the title for why it happened. "Brian Stewart didn't want to pay child support so he injected his 11-months-old son with HIV, the seven-year-old boy is doomed to a slow, tortuous death."(Rosaline Bush) Does this make you mad? It may not have anything with a hate crime but the fact that this kid can die and not have had the same rights that Matthew Shepard had in a trial. It may just be me but that doesn't seem very fair.

There is no biological basis for homosexuality that says you are homosexual or something like that. Simon Levay did research on 41 bodies and found that the ones that were gay had a part in the brain that was the size of the woman's but is bigger in men. (Steve Calerley and Rob Goetze) He is often said to have proven that homosexuality is genetic, he denies it. (Steve Calerley and Rob Goetze) There are many problems with the results of his study because there is no proof that the men were gay because their pasts weren't available to be reviewed. (Steve Calerley and Rob Goetze) Many people say that wether or not you are gay is decided when you're born. There is no medical evidence to prove this but many still believe it even they don't know the facts. This theory has caused many to become gay or learn to accept it. This is one of the problems in this world, the whole world gossips about a new theory and suddenly people believe it.

There are people who view homosexuality as not being wrong. This just shows how blind and stubborn homosexuals are, that they don't want to open their eyes to the truth. They argue that it's a choice for all to make and it doesn't matter if it leads to other problems. They continue to believe in lies and continue to spread these false beliefs to others. There's no reason that can be proven logically to say homosexuality is right. Just lots of people who believe in going out and getting noticed or are in need of help are all that back homosexuality. This weak belief is backed by many and many people were supportive when it was not considered a mental disorder. (Carlton Cornett) Yet it said that once gay . . . always gay, because this fact is not true it means that many others are not true, all to be exact. (Carlton Cornett)

We still have hope as people stand for what's right in the sight of the Lord. However, we have proof that says homosexuality begins around childhood. (Sy Rogers and Alan Medinger) For many years, gays



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