The Scientology
Essay by review • November 19, 2010 • Essay • 1,689 Words (7 Pages) • 1,184 Views
The Scientology religion deals with the human spirit and its relationship to the universe and its Creator. It teaches that its fundamental laws of life, when used, help people gain a happier and more fulfilling life. Scientology teaches many different methods that soon help with dealing with different life situations and personal belonging. It gives people another way of life. It attempts at bringing joy into peoples lives by being more of a personal counselor then anything else. It gives another way to help you with your life problems with giving people confidence once again in themselves . Some techniques are used to aid in the fights against drugs, crimes, and immorality. This religion is more of something that someone does, its not just a bunch of beliefs that people just learn and live by.
The key of Scientology is that it deals mainly with the human spirit and its salvation and rehabilitation. It preaches that an individual is a spirit; not a body, not a brain, not something of genes and chemicals. It is this single recognition of the nature of an individual that forms the foundation of this religion. Throughout the ages, man has viewed himself as more of a spiritual being then anything else. It has only been within the last 100 years or so that the materialistic idea that man is merely another animal similar to a monkey or rat has taken place. Scientology teaches that this idea is incorrect and acts as a barrier to a personal understanding of life. Its like if you skip a step and don't believe in something, then you can not fully understand the religion in its entirety. Scientology basically answers all the questions in life that people long for, such as "Who am I" & Where do I come from." It truly helps give understanding to an individuals life and the lives around them.
The Scientology religion was developed by an author by the name of Lafayette Ron Hubbard. It came from his lifelong passion to help man to a higher plane of civilization and existence. Mr. Hubbard was not only a writer, but a full Renaissance man too. He was born on March 13, 1911 in new England. He traveled to many places as he moved from child to adult. He took trips to Orient, directed two expeditions to the Caribbean, and found himself in Asia a few times.
It was in his travels to Asia that he ended up seeing multiple counts of misery and pain. He asked himself "why all this" and "What depths can man fall to"? He found that there was not much known about the true nature of man and became fascinated with this line of research to which he made his life's work. He found that the common denominator of existence is "survival" and outlined the theory that "life is composed of two things, the material universe and an X-factor...that can evidently organize and mobilize the material universe. His first major work on the subject was called Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health. Dianetics is a methodology which is designed to help relieve people of such things as unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears and psychosomatic illnesses. Dianetics is defined as what the soul is doing to the body as a complete. It is basically a mental therapy which led to the study of Scientology.
To understand Scientology, you have to have an open mind to other beliefs then the ones you currently have. Scientology teaches that all humans descended from a race of uncreated, omnipotent gods called Thetans, who gave up their powers to enter the Mest (Material-Energy-Space-Time) world of earth. The Thetan is immortal and is possessed of capabilities well in excess to those hitherto predicted for man. The Thetan is that part of man that is immortal and which has become contaminated by the influences of MEST. Gradually they evolved upward by reincarnation to become humans who could not remember their deified state. Scientologists are encouraged to awaken their dormant Thetan potential by removing all mental blocks called engrams. By doing this, the can realize their true personhood, achieving total power and control over MEST. Scientology offers a psychotheraputic process for breaking through the engrams "picked up from traumas in prior lives" to "realize" once again one's true identity as an "operating Thetan" (GOD) beyond the limitations of MEST. So Scientology does nothing more than incorporate certain aspects of new age pseudoscience, psychotherapy, and other practices into the ancient lie of promising godhood.
Hubbard once stated that "man is good," an immortal Thetan, able to create MEST. This is consistent with the Dianect belief that man is descended from the gods and may someday evolve to reclaim his Thetan potential. "Salvation" involves a process of working through levels of self-knowledge and knowledge of past lives(reincarnation) to awaken the pre-existent deity within and regain total godhood. And of coarse the existence of an eternal heaven and hell are denied.
Christ is known to be only an individual which has "cleared" himself. It says that he is deemed merely a "cleared" individual. And don't forget the hell and heaven are both denied, so Christ rests on no throne but he is spoke of as if he is just another one of us. I think that is just set for greater temptation to man. If everyone gets it in their mind that Christ was just one of us and we can be just like him, then I think the temptation is just to great to refuse. Many people think that an individual just has to free his mind to be just like our creators.
Man in his true nature is an immortal Thetan. However, the Thetan is responsible for the creation of MEST. Though the Thetan created the MEST, sometimes the MEST collides with the Thetan resulting in the acquisition of an engram. Because every engram is accompanied by unconsciousness to a greater or lesser degree, not all engrams are known to exist by the Thetan's analytical mind. As a result of the build-up of thousands