The Secret Annex
Essay by review • December 19, 2010 • Essay • 1,425 Words (6 Pages) • 1,789 Views
"If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower" (Hitler 5). During the 1930's in the light of Hitler's Nazi Germens, they decided to invade all the Jewish countries. People were terrorized, forced to leave their homes and either go to concentration camps or find hiding spots. This war went on for many years. One of the most famous hiding spots of all though, which housed eight people was called "The Secret Annex". This is where the Frank and the Van Pels family stayed for twenty-five months. They took shelter because they knew the war was getting close. This is about Anne Frank, and her courageous efforts on surviving, not only in the battle against the Germans but also as a young girl.
Earlier that year in 1942, for Anne Frank's thirteenth birthday her parents gave her a red and white plaid covered diary. That very same day was her first entry, "I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support" (Frank 1). This is where we learn about their lives, and the tragedies that took place.
Anne chose to name her diary Kitty. She wrote in Kitty every day telling about the people, the events, and the love affairs that went on. During those months in hiding, her diary became her closes friend (Mark 2).
In the late 1930's Hitler's Nazi Germany began to show its wrath against the world. This is the year that the Frank's family started to change along with everyone else's. This is when the Chamberlain sent Hitler an ultimatum: he said to withdraw German troops from Poland or war will be declared (Mark 52). This is when the war started to affect the Frank family.
Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank had been making plains to set up a secret hiding place knowing that the war could break out at anytime. Otto slowly began taking all the household necessities, furniture and canned foods. The hiding place was in several unused offices at 263 Prinsengracht, which is now called "The Secret Annex". Otto Frank had several employees he entrusted to help him so that no one else would know about their hiding spot. With the help of these employees they created a book case that would cover up the only entrance to the hiding spot.
On July 5, 1942, Anne wrote in her diary: "A few days ago, as we were taking a stroll around our neighborhood square, Father began to talk about going into hiding. He sounded so serious that I felt scared. "Don't you worry," he said, "We'll take care of everything. Just enjoy your carefree life while you can." Anne continued, "That was it. Oh, may these somber words not come true for as long as possible" (Frank 11).
On Thursday, July 9, 1942 was the day that the Franks moved into their hiding spot. They packed the remaining stuff that they would need to take, and walked through the heavy rain in the streets trying to hurry so that no one would notice them leaving. Later that day when finally settling into their new living area, they had no idea of how long they would be staying, but wanted to make it as comfortable as possible.
After living in their new hiding spot for a few days the other members started showing up. There was the Van Pels, Hermann and his wife Auguste and son Peter; they lived in the top half of the building. Also a friend Albert Dussel would be the one sharing the room with Anne. In Anne's diary she explained how the building was set up, and where they were hiding within it. "There is a large warehouse on the ground floor which is used as a store. The front door to the house is next to the warehouse door, and inside the front door is a second doorway which leads to were we are staying" (Frank 96). She also explains how the building is so tiny everyone is crammed together inside and nobody had any privacy.
The families living in the house came up with a routine, of how they would work together. First, every Sunday each member would take turns bathing in the sink. They also took turns in the area they would do their studying at. Anne learned how to speak English and French, out of books that were secretly brought to her from the trusted employees that worked downstairs. Anne wrote about the unlimited time they had, and how she came up with ways to make it go by faster. She would always take naps in the middle of the day, making sure to study and read when she wasn't sleeping. Anne read many books, her favorite being about Mythology.
Anne's time in hiding was taking its toll on her; living conditions were starting to worsen. They were eating all rotten foods if any at all, along with not being able to bath properly. Robberies were