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The Silver Chair

Essay by   •  December 30, 2010  •  Essay  •  526 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,381 Views

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The book I chose to read was The Silver Chair . This book was written by C.S. Lewis, A high powered professor of Oxford University. Lewis was an Atheist at boyhood and is now one of the most famous converts to Christianity. The books Mere Christianity, and The Screwtape Letters, were both written by Lewis and he didn’t stop there. He has written many books on his faith and other children’s books.

In this story there are three very important characters. The three include, Jill Pole (often called Pole), Puddleglum( A Marsh-Wiggle), and Eustace( often called Scrub). Pole is a little girl at a horrible school, who is friends with Eustace. Eustace is a young boy who also goes to the school and finds his way to Narnia in The Voyage of the Dawntreader. He tells Pole of this place and they go. Puddleglum the Marsh-wiggle is an interesting tall thin creature who is a very pessimistic. He acts as a guide to the finding of Prince Rilian (the children’s mission while in Narnia).

The children arrive on top the greatest mountain in all of Narnia. Aslan the great lion king is there to greet them and give them there mission. Scrub (Eustace) is sent ahead and Pole is left to receive four signs she is to look for while on the journey. The first sign is for Scrub to look for an old friend, what he didn’t remember was that a second of earth time could be a century or a day in Narnian time. This particular gap is approximately 45 years, and his particular friend was the king. Caspian was now 75 years old and had a son (Rilian). Caspian’s wife had been murdered by a serpent, and while looking for his mother’s murderer Rilian was lost.

Caspian was heart-broken and did not know who to leave his thrown to. He left on a journey in search of the great Aslan, to seek guidance on the subject. He did not plan on returning back to Cair Paravil (the Narnian palace).

The king had already left before Scrub had a chance to speak to him. This left them to wonder. They met an owl who brought them to Puddleglum. Puddleglum waited no time to leave on the journey that Aslan had left in a vision for him to follow. They began there journey and had many hard ships and many victories, finally until they came to the “underworld” this is where they found Prince Rilian and the Witch who had captured him. They killed the witch and freed Rilian. They



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