The Speech of Kane
Essay by leakim • November 25, 2012 • Essay • 539 Words (3 Pages) • 1,217 Views
The speech of Kane campaigning for Governor has a lot of bias. One bias is when Charles Cain was labeled a friend of the working man. Charles Cain is a friend of the under paid and under fed. Kane's campaign person has a negative bias against Jim Getty by saying when he is in the office it is his evil domination. Kane is calling Jim Getty "downright dishonest". When a statement is made without any proof it is called a bias. Kane wants the underclass, under fed, and underpaid people to think he is on their side and that Jim Getty is not. He tries to focus his campaign on the under dogs because he can make them feel he is the only one on their side.
This campaign has some fallacies too. One fallacy is when Kane says he is a friend of the working class man. He also says he is a friend of the lower class man. Kane says he has already won the campaign when in reality it has not even begun yet. When people think this way they are conceded and think they are better than everyone else. Kane attacks Jim Getty and that is a fallacy. Kane states he is too busy to make any promises but says he wants to help the under privilege and under fed. The campaigner claims Kane is the fighting liberal. He stresses boss like Jim Getty is over someone or better than them. Another fallacy is when he says he is going to hire a district attorney to have Jim Getty prosecuted or put in jail.
In the speech there are a few rhetorical devices. One rhetorical device is when he stressed certain words stronger to make it sound like Jim Getty didn't do these things. One example of the stressed words is "I made not campaign promises" he stressed promises like Jim Getty didn't keep his. He uses certain words to keep his audience off guard like "slum children, under fed, and under privileged.
The author addressed argument by saying he is the candidate for the poor and underpaid worker, He said he is the candidate for the poor slum children, and he said he is the candidate who will end corruption in the state government. In the counter argument he says he is the winner of all the polls in the government office. He says he will hire a district attorney to arrest his opponent. He accuses his opponent of being a criminal villain. The counter argument was affective I think because the audience cheering and promoting him. The audience fell for his stories like most do in a campaign.
If he would focus