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The Spread of Christianity

Essay by   •  August 27, 2010  •  Essay  •  314 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,833 Views

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The Spread of Christianity

By: Ryan Ku

The Apostle Paul had four missionary journeys. These journeys are responsible for the spread of Christianity and created many churches throughout countries of the Mediterranean.

On his first journey, Barnabas, Saul, and Mark, church leaders, accompanied Paul travel to the island of Cyprus and parts of Asia Minor. Paul would preach the gospel and start many churches. His journey started in the city of Seleucia and concluded in Antioch of Syria. The first missionary journey was around the year of 46-48 AD.

After separating with Barnabas from a disagreement they had, Paul chose Silas, a Christianity follower, to accompany him on his second missionary journey. They traveled north to Asia Minor. Their goal for this journey was not to start churches, but to encourage the existing churches to have strong faith in Christ. The young Timothy, another Christianity follower, joined Paul and Silas in Lystra. The Apostles journeyed to Macedonia, and in the city of Philippi, Paul and Silas were imprisoned.

On Paul's third missionary journey, the apostle traveled to Ephesus and holds a revival at the church. In Ephesus, Paul preached to the people about the Holy Spirit. He also went to Macedonia to visit the troubled church in Corinth. This church had a problem about turning away from God. He stayed there for three months preaching and teaching the gospel.

Paul's fourth voyage was to Rome and this voyage was about to fulfill God's plan. Since he was jailed in Jerusalem and Caesarea, the apostle appealed to Caesar and was sent to Rome. When he arrived at Rome, he would preach to the Roman guards from his imprisoned room and would also write several letters to the churches in Asia Minor. As years went by, he was set free and still preached the gospel to people, but didn't travel as much.



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