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The War on Iraq

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Michael P. Haney

Professor Riddle

ENG 111-31a

July 18 2005

The War on Iraq

On Tuesday, September 11th 2001, American Airlines flight #11 took off from Boston's Logan airport with 81 passengers and 11 crew members on what airline pilots called a "severe clear" morning. The time was 8:46 a.m. when a one hundred and thirty-seven ton Boeing 767 filled with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel, flew 500 miles an hour south down the Hudson River and slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:02 a.m. United Airlines flight 175 flew, at the same rate of speed, into the south tower of the World Trade Center, changing American history forever. When the word got out to President George W. Bush, he was furious. "We're at war," he told his aides, "That's what we're paid for, boys." (Newsweek Dec. 3rd, 2001) As a matter of fact, this war was planned years ago.

This war is not about terrorists, it's about gold, oil, and drugs. Our economy is in a major collapse; we've been in a global financial crisis since 1998. This "War" build up from 9-11 has taken money for domestic needs, to defense establishments. This fulfills the Bush-Cheney campaign promise to boost defense spending. Oil production in the world is peaking. The Age of Oil is nearing its end because of world population, and demand will exceed production in the next ten years. The last untapped major oil fields are in Central Asia, and Columbia.

Osama Bin Laden is of Saudi Arabian decent, and comes from a very wealthy family. The Bin Ladens own stock in Nortel, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and other numerous high-tech stocks. Jim Bath, who was an International Guard Pilot with George W. Bush, and long time friend who has CIA connections, was hired to handle all of the Bin Laden family investments made in the United States. After Bath took over their investments, he made a $50,000 investment in Arbusto Energy, one of George W. Bush's first company's. In 1998 and 2000, George H. Bush with British Prime Minister John Major, made trips to Saudi Arabia to meet with the Saudi Royal Family, and the Bin Ladens, on behalf of the Carlile Group; the 11th largest defense contractor in the United States. The Carlile Group is a privately owned corporation. They don't have to report their ownership or financial activities, yet they provide the highest technology to the Pentagon.

In 1979, when the Russians invaded Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden went there to fight, and was supported by the CIA. At that time, 0 % of the Heroin consumed in the United States came from Pakistan/Afghanistan. By 1985, 40 % came from that region, all controlled by the CIA. Osama Bin Laden came up under Golbinin Hamattar, who ran six Heroin labs all protected by the CIA. He has been a CIA asset, and was created by the CIA.

Now we come to September 11th, 2001. Israeli security issued urgent warnings to the CIA of a large-scale terror attack, and the twin towers were the targets. Israeli intelligence, Mossad, sent two senior experts to the U.S. in August, to alert the CIA. U.S. Government knew about the attacks and did not stop them. There is a reoccurring theme that maybe the Israelis did this, but it is not true. The Israelis were warning the U.S., and they did not listen because they needed the attacks. After a review of the former tenants of the W.T.C. at the on-line Wall Street Journal site, Zim American Israeli Shipping moved to Norfolk, VA. They must have had Mossads input and vacated one week before 9-11, breaking their lease. The Israelis didn't pull the attack, but were smart enough to get their people out. Our Government should have done the same for us!

On September 23rd, Halsin Institute for Counter Terrorism, an Israeli counter terrorism think-tank connected with Mossad, detailed that between September 6th and 7th, the Chicago Board of Options Exchange, sought purchases of 4,477 "Put" options, and 396 Ð''Call" options on United Airlines. A "Put" option is basically a bet that the stock is going to go down. It is a contract, that let's say, you'll buy stock from me at $100.00, and the stock falls to $20.00, you'll still have to buy it at $100.00 from me. On September 10th, 4,516 "Put" options were placed with American Airlines, compared to 748 "Call" options at the Chicago Exchange. No other similar trades were put on any other airlines. That is 600 to 1200 % above the normal level of "Put" options. Other "Put" options were placed on Morgan-Stanley, Merrill-Lynch, and Munich Insurance Company, all who had resided in the Twin Towers. Another newsletter by Phil Erlanger, who writes for USA Today, and MSNBC, said, "Terrorists may have used their attacks as a way of swindling the worlds financial markets out of billions of dollars."

Under U.S. laws, Brokerage Houses and Banks cannot disclose purchase and sales records or publicly identify their clients. The S.E.C., F.B.I., and Congress can find out! To date, no Government agency has released any information on who used the knowledge of September 11th in the financial markets. Also, Congress has never raised the issue for further investigation. But what the Halsin Institute for counter terrorism did tell us is that the United Airlines "Put" options were placed through the firm of A.B. Brown. A.B. Brown was the firm headed until 1998, by A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, who is now the executive director of the C.I.A. The Mossad and the C.I.A. track all stock trading at real time. They use "PROMIS" software, Prosecutors Management Information System. It is sophisticated software that has been made with artificial intelligence, capable of integrating wide numbers of data in different languages. When all these Ð''Put" options were made, this should have triggered some alarm inside the C.I.A., but we know these options were placed by a firm who was once owned by A. B. Krongard.

In January of 2001, the Taliban and Al Qaeda destroyed the entire opium crop in Afghanistan. This was verified by the United Nations, and the D.E.A. Afghanistan was the largest



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