Theory of Evolution
Essay by review • December 30, 2010 • Essay • 2,070 Words (9 Pages) • 1,750 Views
One of the most controversial issues in regards to civilization is evolution. Some philosophers, along with certified experts studying people, believed that evolution from monkeys is how we got to be as we are today. Others believe that there is no such thing as evolution and that the land of creation is God's work. Evidently, the existence of Earth has not been present eternally. Up to this point, both sides can willingly agree on this proven fact. But what not ever be agreed on is the five "W"s of how everything came to be or better yet, where everything came from.
Evolutionists believe that God or as some call "The Creator" did not create Earth as it is today. Most often, they are always believed to be more concerned with how life came to be after it appeared, rather than the origin of life. Scientists, particularly, Charles Darwin presented theories on how humans existed- evolving from animals. Animals and plants evolved from "nothing." No other reasonable explanation exists for why things appeared from nothing. This is acceptable in the world of those who believe in evolution. They believed that the universe surfaced from nothing. If that was particularly true, then where did certain things like time, energy, space, and et cetera like that came from? Evolutionists feel that the Creationists are the ones who have to a lot to prove. The Creator, God, cannot be seen, heard or felt. Because of this, the theory of creation is hard to prove because there is nothing concrete to test the theory against.
Creationists, on the other hand, feel that the Evolutionists should be the one to prove their claims because theirs is only based on the human mind. From their point of view, it is the human mind that claims that Earth existed from evolution. Like the point Evolutionists try to prove, human mind cannot be felt, seen or heard. Therefore taking in account of what the human mind believes is invalid. Creationists say that claims of evolution contradict with the known fact that God exists. They point out that the first eleven chapters of Genesis in the Bible is solid proof of how the world was created. In these chapters, all the creations by God were expanded into explicit details. The detailed chapter validates a huge point- they are God oriented facts. They can be viewed in two different ways- supporting the existence of God or seen as just not enough proof to show that God was the creator.
While their arguments may make one side seem more valid than the other, their arguments have lacked consistency. When it comes to the discussion of the complexity of this world, the battle still goes on. Creationists say that as complex as this Earth is, it is designed to be that way. They say that it is the work of the Creator. The type of work the Creator has created has a lot to do with is complicated. They say this proves the intelligence of the Creator. Again, how did they know that? Evolutionists, on the other hand, say that it is not the Creator that is responsible. Their explanation was simple, yet contradicting- complexity of this Earth has created from simplicity. It evolved through time. But if that was the case, then where did time come from? Again, their answer to this was- "time exploded from nothing." The inconsistency has led scientists and theorists to believe that no one side will ever be right.
To Evolutionists, Darwin is their best bet when it comes to proving they have been right all along. Although Darwin was not the first to bring up belief that life came from nowhere, his theory has brought modern scientists to shift their direction more towards a "new and more satisfactory" explanation of where human life came from. Darwin observed that life- trees, plants, humans, animals, and et cetera- came from one source: a common ancestor. Indeed, like many other scientists, he saw that at one time life did not exist on earth. Out of nowhere, life appeared. It is from this appearance that evolution supposedly occurred, according to him.
When reading about Darwin, his name is forever connected to the "Voyage of the Beagle." Being a naturalist was not Darwin's first choice. But circumstances led him to take a trip on the Beagle, originally scheduled for five years. As a naturalist, Darwin was responsible for collecting specimens, making observations, and record significant findings. John Henslow, a professor of botany, in the 1800s played a significant role in Darwin's interest in adaptations of land forms. It was through the assistance of Henslow and a book given to him, "The Principles of Geology" that enabled Darwin to study closely on land forms and why certain forms are that way. People who study certain things have reasons that got them to that point. Darwin had an odd one- he got seasick and couldn't stand long journeys on the Beagle. Because of that, he was forced to trek on foot.
Through the trekking on foot, Darwin was able to study specimens closely and collect different types of fossils. It was the combination of the specimens studied and the fossils collected that sparked interests amongst many scientists in England. One of the common specimens he collected was bird. The findings were sent to experts on birds, and there it was discovered that the bird had specific bill for food source. They also had features that were critical to their survival methods. Galapagos Islands was where he collected information from.
Darwin reached to a question that sparked curiosity. If evolution actually occurred, how did it happen? With a look at Thomas Malthus's theory, Darwin carried through generations the Darwinism Evolution. He believed that evolution was by a natural selection. Like Malthus, he argued that every 25 years, human resources and population grow in double of what was without documentation or validity. If one analyze where the Darwinism theory stem from, one would see that several assumptions were formed based on what he saw. His first assumption is that any type of survival of any life form is necessary when it comes to genetic mutation. Therefore, life is ever changing. It evolves non stop. In the world of science, it is understood that life changes in time to adapt to different climates and territories. But what Darwin picked out of this was that an organism will change over time to be a different species. His second assumption was that species who have variations to their advantage are the ones who are more likely to survive and reproduce than those who do not. Geometrically, animals and plants reproduce. Population of the species increase exponentially and overpopulation of the land occurs when a pair of animals have far more offspring, more than what is necessary. Scientists have feared land being overpopulated with species if no control or balance is conducted. This leads to Darwin's third assumption