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There Goes Garvity

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Victoria E. Minarovic

Mrs. Velto

March 23, 2015

There Goes Gravity

This story, is unlike any other stories you have ever heard of, filled with gibberish and things that you and I would say were unrealistic or illogical. Take a seat and a deep breathe, let the words take the lead.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to replay or to continue ones dream? Do you sit at your desk in school, thinking how extraordinary it would be to do things that everyone knows is impossible? Well, you might think that that's nonsense, but there was one girl who did the impossible even when her world became her worst enemy. Our story begins in a lovely home, quite expensive too. You could tell by how the decor had a certain balance, and how everything had its place. In this house there was no such thing as dirty rugs, messy rooms, or dusty sofas. This house had elegance, well until a certain someone came into the world. You might take her for a girl, and her name was Thyme. Mr. and Mrs. Freyr were blessed with a beautiful baby girl in the year of 1998. Thyme was always a messy girl, she hated having maids cleaning up after her, washing her with soap that smelled of oranges (for she despised oranges because she thought they were always hiding monsters in them), and braiding her beautiful red hair.

Though these scenes may seem happy, there came another year; a year in which Thyme was but only 5 years old and her parents had died of a house fire. Such a fire has never been seen before in the little town of Alden, they said that it was like a blazing torch that had been jeered and angered. After that there was no home that had balance, no neat and tidy routines, and especially no laughter, for that was the one thing you could always hear coming from the house of the Freyrs. Poor little Thyme had to be sent away, to an old, long forgotten orphanage.


„Would you like another cup of tea Mr. Fluffy?"

„Oh, yes. May I ask for a biscuit?"

„Why of course Mr. Fluffy, plastic or cardboard?"

Thyme Freyr, was now 14 years old. She lived in a little orphanage called Mrs. Mayers County Orphanage for Girls. Thyme hated it at her orphanage, she always wished she could just open the front door, wave her hand goodbye, and leave. But life went on. Even though Thyme was already 14, that didn't stop her from playing with her stuffed animal, Mr. Fluffy. Mr. Fluffy was her only true friend at the orphanage, since many of the girls were a lot younger or a lot older which she didn't approve of because neither of them understood her ideas and her ways. Thyme was always on her own at the orphanage, either away from every single living life form or tucked up in her little bed, trying to make herself as small as possible so that the other girls' germs don't even touch her.

When the girls have class, Thyme is usually up at the front of the room, ready to shoot her hand up when the teacher asks them a math question. Yes, Thyme was quite the little mathematician, which helped her when the older girls started picking on her, and by helping her I don't mean she started whipping out the best math problems she could but she used her better knowledge of wiggling her way through things using numbers. Strange, well I'm not surprised. Thyme saw numbers everywhere, as you and I would see objects, she saw numbers. It's quite confusing, but she had a way of solving her problems without the help from others. She liked it that way, no friends or family meant no heart breaks. This may seem unconditionally depressing but it's a way of life Thyme has shaped with her little hands, so that she won't ever be left without help again.

„Thyme, what is 1,237 + 8,456 - 15,189? Thyme? Hello? Child, what are you looking at?"

„Hm? Oh! I'm so sorry Mrs. Becker! I wasn't paying attention"

„Yes, that was quite obvious Thyme. Stop day dreaming and start counting!"

„Yes Mrs Becker, it won't happen again."

„Hey Thyme! Why are you so stupid?" Whispered Raven Tite.

Thyme was a classic target for Raven, a girl who always tried to pull her strings. Once Raven told Thyme that her parents never loved her and that was the „real" reason as to why she is now in an orphanage, which completely blew it. Thyme sneaked some scissors into her back pocket of her dress and later that evening, when Raven fell asleep in the closet she had cut her hair off! Of course this had gotten Thyme into trouble but at least she had gotten her way in the end, even if she knew the real story. From then on Raven was always careful of what she told Thyme so as to not unwind her clockwork ways.

„Mrs Becker the answer is -5,496."

Then she looked Raven in the eye and said:

„Oh what? You think I'm wrong? Raven, everyone knows you got a D- on your test no need to try and lay it off on someone else," then Thyme turned around a smirked slightly, whilst congratulating herself for the perfect combat.

Don't worry, Thyme isn't a mean bully, why if there had to be a ratio of how many awful things Raven has said to Thyme and how many mean things Thyme said to Raven as a reply, Raven's side would be a mile stone in comparison to Thyme's.

Later that same day, when Thyme was having her French class she fell asleep. When she woke up she had no idea where she was, well at least at the time she wasn't necessarily awake, but in the land of dreams. Thyme barely ever dreamt of good things, she usually would dream of monsters living under



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