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There Should Be No Rich People in the World as Long as There Is Poverty in the World

Essay by   •  December 9, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,243 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,843 Views

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Most religions and people believe that the poor should not be ignored and it is not always their fault that they are in the situation they find themselves in. There are many ways people may fall into poverty, but they all agree that they must work to eliminate it. When we say rich what we mean is the people who earn more disposable income (income that is left over when everything they need to survive is paid for) than they can actually, sensibly spend.

In Christianity they do not condemn those who are rich, but the ones who use their riches for bad rather than good as it says in the bible 'People who want to get rich fall into...foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction'1, this is saying that money can make people turn to evil ways. So would say there can be rich people in the world, as Jesus taught a lot on stewardship and how to be a good steward. He said ' When I was hungry you fed me...what you did for the least of my brothers you did for me' Jesus is saying that those who bad with what they have or show neglect will go to hell, whereas those who show good stewardship will go to heaven. An example is that of Sir John Templeton. A man who became rich from the work he did and even when he was at his poorest he gave 10% of his earnings away; a practice known as tithing. He gives money to support projects that further understanding in spirituality and the importance of human character. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, for services to philanthropy. This is an example of how even a very rich man can use his money for good and shows that there can be rich people in the world, while poverty exists. He also acts as a role model for the rich in the world.

In Islam they believe that any wealth is a gift from God. So it must be used to complete Allah's will and so Muslims would say that there could be rich and poverty at the same time. They would believe that if they are rich they should help the poor as this is due to the giving of 2.5% of your earnings to the poor, which is the third pillar in Islam, Zakah. In this they see it as a way of Jihad as it is to strive to Allah's will. So they must give generously and so to eliminate poverty. This can be seen as a test from Allah to many Muslims. A Muslim would therefore say that as long as those who are rich help those who are poor there can be rich and poverty in the world.

In some cases poverty has been brought about by the doing of others not by who it happens to. An example is that of countries which have had to borrow money off richer ones, who charge interest. For instance Chile, which borrowed 3.9 billion dollars in the 1970s and by 1982 had paid 12.8 billion in interest, then still owing money. It seems that the poorer countries need help and that the richer countries can provide, so there can be rich and poverty as long as they strive to eliminate that poverty, instead of sustaining it.

Also a lot of people have worked very hard to get where they are today. In some cases people deserve what they have, so their riches is wage of their works. Some feel that they should look after themselves, as God said to use money to feed themselves and to help their own families although many would not follow this to the letter as it could lead to worse things, so some would argue that there can be rich people in the world, as many have worked hard to get there, so just because there is poverty it does not mean those who work hard should not be rewarded, this is justice.

Some atheists might say that there shouldn't be rich in the world with there being poverty as that divide can cause problems. Such would be the case in Communism in which its ideology seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization, based upon common ownership of the means of production. So that no one is richer than the other and they all work in a classless society. Some may argue against this and say that even in a capitalist society we can stop poverty, as in this country we pay tax and this is according to the amount we earn and some of that



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