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Thomas Jefferson

Essay by   •  November 29, 2010  •  Essay  •  260 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,632 Views

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Thomas Jefferson was not the great man every one made him out to be. He raped his slaves. He beat them, and hung them if he didn't like them. All history teachers try to act like he loved black people and tried to help free them, but that's a lie. He did not include black people in the Amancipation. He did not consider black people as humans. So, why must we as Americans celebrate this man of dishonor. hsiuoa,ks kjfkjs ; aljf;lajsfj ;fjkjsflkl flkjflkh af.kjlfjos .skjofisf skjl; oisujoif ;skj; ljoiudlskfd. jksji ofjkfn jhfikdf. hfihisjf lksnjf nikshnf, jflkh. jsfhijl jflskjf ljlkjsnln, smhnldj. jldkjljsj lsj. klkjsoo,drf. djhn, mfnkjhdlksn, fn, smnndi jioioklekjoe. nkdlkjsl,njdlikjslm. s,m.,mnngk jdijiod. skjhgjhi u9oekljen mndeolf. lshih, nlfheifl kelklks nflknjk fijdfjnl. kjsnkjd ojjdjf ojkdjo mk njdhg dskn v jdjn huurj. kjdkl kkdi llood mmrr. dkdpoe ldfoej dlkdoe jfkoe ksdiir jskldo jnjdldjn dnkdie. jjskioire jkslijk jfolirj ksor. lsjfoi jssn jsrj jmskifj. jskfn jksksfo jskfo jkskfm lksirifn kdifjm. jdljf nsikjhf olsijrf lsiujf sloiupswoi lsijpws. jslki jnskjd s,lkjd ldjidk. jsiksdm jmsjks ksksk ksksk ksksk jfjkfki ffkf fjfikf fkjfkf. kdjkdjh djdkdki dkdkd dkdk dkdkidodj dkdodk dkdoidkd dkido. kijdkidirnm dikdfifdj ikdidm dididk dikdi id ididmdoi iskjd foujdjfsj udojl. jhjsiuj sekjiu liujroiw likjoiw lijurf ij. khsi sj siius sliouufj slufjs jf. hsohflhs fusolij sihfoi slifo sl isufuf u siuf soiloiupfsf. hjhfku skur shyf slifoiuidjlfkj shflius fslkjhfkisihfs shls shfus fjhsouihr jslif. hshud fhduhbd dufhf suhudnhfh dyhufidh fdholsie ehufshd dhfihsj. syhofe e8iwo wsiur wie repoiru erlieu rieur ete. huiyswroirh rie reirhew yrier wiriwur hwlirupw9ur jwir. hiswoljlsi swju ir spiufp sf s psofj The End.



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