Essay by review • January 9, 2011 • Research Paper • 3,766 Words (16 Pages) • 1,571 Views
Thoughts of ZHAMES pt 1
This world could not have been the work of an all-loving Being, but rather that of a devil, who had brought creatures into existence in order to delight in the sight of their sufferings; to this the data pointed, and the belief that it is so won the upper hand.\'
reduced expectations by Schophenhauer & ZHames
I had few friends and entered conversations with reduced expecctationsSometimes I speak to men and women just as a little girl speaks to her doll. She knows, of course, that the doll does not understand her, but she creates for herself the joy of communication through a pleasant and conscious self-deception.
Happiness, an Epicurean List (friendship)
We don\'t exist unless there is someone who can see us existing, what we say has no meaning until someone can understand, while to be surrounded by friends is constantly to have our identity confirmed; their knowledge and care for us have the power to pull us from our numbness. In small comments, many of them teasing, they reveal they know our foibles and accept them and so, in turn, accept that we have a place in the world. We can ask them \'Isn\'t he frightening?\' or \'Do you ever feel that...?\' and be understood, rather than encounter the puzzled \'No, not particularly\' - which can make us feel, even when in company, as lonely as polar explorers.
Consolations Of Difficulities By Zhames & Nietzsche
To cut out every negative root would simultaneously mean choking off positive elements that might arise from it further up the stem of the plant.Flower -Art, Beauty & Lovethe roots and stem of the flower - anger, pity, curiousity and vanity.WE SHOUD NOT FEEL EMBARASSED BY OUR DIFFICULTIES, ONLY BY OUR FAILURE TO GROW ANYTHING BEAUTIFUL.Fulfilment is reached by responding wisely to difficulties that could tear one apart. Why? Because no one is able to produce a great work of art without experience, nor achieve a worldly position immediately nor be a great lover at the first attempt: and in the interval between initial failure and subsequent success, in the gap between who we wish one day to be and who we are at present, must come pain, anxiety, envy and humilation. We suffer because we cannot spontaneously master the ingredients of fulfilment.
people that talk a lot
know the least
i was reading magazines for my visual COmmunication work.. and i noticed the extensive number of articles that lay out rules of how your clothes, hair or image is suppose to be.... what was even worse and to put it bluntly how \'STUPID\' the number of articles that describe how \'the opposite sex is attracted to what little body movements u do\'... like COMMON, things like that encourage the self-absorbed attitude that plagues the materialistic world that it is now... the people who write these and anyone that follow the recipe of these rules should die with colon cancer.....Things like that give the wrong idea to the general public... but yeah thats whatever... i was also listening to how hip hop music has gone more shallow in the past couple years... and the increasing number of gangstas, bling bling, guns, sex and money encourages male teenagers that its kool to roll like that... also giving the impression that girls must have attitude to get any regnition in the world.... its sad isn\'t it?
self reliance and finding happiness in one\'s own work, nature, family and pastimes as well as becoming friends with people that give you a very relaxing comfort zone when you are around them..... this will lead to long term happiness..... whereasbecoming reliant on others and materialistic ideals such as consumerism and going to those \'asian\' clubbing things will find short term happiness and u always find urself where u started and that is lonely and unhappy...if u think about what i said .... u will probably agree with me \'the things you own, end up owning you\'
i have mental problems
i have psychotic problems; i want to be lonely... due to rejection of society, i have chosen the pathway of a defensive mechanism to those i feel that will leave me. i was in a room where when u turned right and left u saw ur good friends were making out with demented strangers. It made my stomach sick. i wanted to throw up. I wanted to go home. After this event i slept 1 or 2 hours again for the night and broke up with my g/f in the following afternoon. I feel horrible because due to the craziness i was experiencing from the previous night of strangers making out with each other in front of me, my mind and stomach helplessly was stuck in this hell hole, i needed to be alone. But then again u know what they say....\'true love can only be found through independence\'I seriously need to see a shrink.... the onli friends i feel comfortable with are the ones that want to eat people or eat cereal at 1am watching late night poker.
Therefore i need this
it may be hard to believe but i believe that i\'m not the type to bitch and whine. Through my depression stages through the winter during the past couple years, i have been accustomed to occupy myself with heavy loads of school work and intense sports sessions to get my mind off things. I\'m sure there are other people with the same ideas in tackling such mental problems as these. I wish i had an outlet to converse to... so far i scream in my room with bad loud music so no one can hear me. It\'s hard to fake smiles all day. Therefore i need this.
No one is above the law - Media; blinds us from truth
i don\'t listen to the radio, i don\'t watch television and i don\'t watch movies at the big corporations such as Hoyts or Village. A teacher told his class he does not have a television and he never intends to purchase one. The class laughed at him. I got angry at the class. Considering the crap thats on television, I don\'t blame my teacher. These days no one really knows what they are watching nor do they know what is really going on the television. Yet people still watch television just for the sake of it. It becomes a drug habit that makes you dumber such as me going on msn messenger for no reason but to be there and not talk to anyone. Lesson of this passage, if you start to believe everything thats said in newspapers and television you are becoming dumberI don\'t listen to the radio because certain record companies pay their