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Thursday Veggie Day in Primary and Secondary Schools in California

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"Thursday Veggie Day" in Primary and Secondary Schools in California

I. Attention Getter: Almost all of us grew up by eating meat and wearing leather. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. Due to the consumption of meat, lots of animals are killed cruelly and lots of diseases are transmitted to humans, especially to children.

II. Problem

A. Problem Thesis: Currently in California, children from 6-17 years old of the primary and secondary schools eat more meat, so the slaughterhouses kill more animals, and children get sicker.

B. Overview: Slaughterers mistreat animals as they kill animals for food. The consumption of meat can cause a transmission of a number of certain diseases from animals to humans. Currently in the California, children in primary and secondary schools eat meat every day. There is not proper campaign for any veggie day.

C. Evidence:

1) If you've never visited the business end of a slaughterhouse, you'd most likely be shocked by what you saw. Most slaughterhouses do not even attempt to kill the animals in a humane manner. They're often beaten, kicked, and shocked with electric prods as they're forced into the chutes.

2) The consumption of meat can cause a transmission of a number of diseases from animals to children as Francine wrote in, Animal Advocate: Interview with Gary Francine first published in Vegan Voice, says:

i. An estimated one-third to one-half of all chicken meat marketed in the United States is contaminated with salmonella and is transmitted to humans.

ii. Recently scientists began to suspect that there is a connection between animal meat and human cancer, birth defects, mutations, and many other diseases in humans.

iii. Studies have increasingly shown the virus in cows, can also infect human cells. 20% of all cows are afflicted with a variety of cancer known as bovine leukemia virus (BLV), HTLV-1, and the last of bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) is the equivalent of the AIDS.

iv. In 1998, 18 new human cases of H5N1 influenza viruses were transferred from animals to humans in the more distant past, in which six people died. In 1997 more cases of H5N1 avian influenza were found in chickens in Hong Kong.

D. Meeting Objections: I know that some parents who believe that vegetarian diet does not enough protein to bring up their children as non-veg food has. I know that California has not launched the policy of the nutritional quality and acceptability of a weekly vegetarian lunch in primary and secondary schools yet. So, I expect my campaign of "Thursday Veggie Day" in primary and secondary schools in California with some solutions and explanations will help children to practice the vegetable meal at least one time a week.

III. Solution

A. Solution thesis: Thursday Veggie Day is the basic step in the campaign to decrease killing animals, to prevent disease, and gain health benefits for children. For this reason, I suggest a campaign: California should lie down as a policy the development of "Thursday Veggie Day", the nutritional quality and acceptability of a weekly vegetarian lunch in primary and secondary schools in California, United States.

B. Explain:

i. Thursday Veggie Day is the gradual method to decrease the quantity of the poor abused animals from the torture of the slaughter process. If children decrease their consumption of meat, animals will suffer less cruel practices of the typical slaughter house.

ii. Thursday Veggie Day means every Thursday children are vegans, exclude all animal flesh and animal products. According to the survey of Delivering Healthy and Nutritious Lunches to Los Angeles & San Diego Schools writes,

Some schools which are Esperanza Elementary School, Fulbright Elementary School, Euclid Avenue Elementary School, and Ford Boulevard Elementary School, do not fix the day for vegan, but they sometimes provide the vegetarian foods for their pupils such as macaroni cheese, baked potato with cheese or beans, chips, pizza, veggie burger, cheese pasties and basic salads.

52% of their school pupils surveyed believe that the vegetarian meals in their school are of similar quality to the other meals. 34% believe they are better in vegan. 29% believe they are worse. 5% don't know, or don't have an opinion.

iii. In the survey in Public Speaking class, Moreno Valley College, dated 7th May, 2012, I sum up that 20 % students never know on a vegan; 7 % of college students always eat vegetarian, and 30% of students sometimes eat vegan. Also 7% of college students believe that vegan is a way to make children's mind and body better than non-veg. 30 % students have not decided it yet while 28% students agree that vegan can bring healthy for children. This means abstaining from meat one day a week is good for the climate, children health and taste buds.

C. Reasoning:

i. There are many proofs in the American factories on killing cruel animals. Therefore, many organizations of Animals Welfare, Animal Rights, and others to protect animal rights with methods of humane slaughter. According to the Humane Society of the United States says, "The animal welfare organization supports humane treatment and use of animals and believes that humans have a responsibility for their care. Animals should be treated well and that animal cruelty is wrong" (Peter, 23).

Peter defines the Animal Rights, "Animal Rights is a radical ideology that attempts to elevate species of animals to equality with humans by applying human interpretations of morality. A core tenet of animal rights philosophy is that no species on this planet is better than another; therefore, humans have no right to dominate over, use, breed, or eat nonhuman species" (15). Therefore, children and teens should less consume of meat. This means that they care for animal's lives and offer them the rights in life.

ii. Thursday Veggie Day is the best way to prevent disease for children. According to the American Dietetic Association,

"Large-scale studies have shown that mortality from ischemic heart disease was 30% lower among vegetarian than in non-vegetarians. Vegetarians tend to have lower body mass index, lower levels of cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and less incidence of heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, renal disease, and metabolic syndrome."

Jones says, a 2010 study



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